I'm Sorry... What?

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Amelia rolls over in bed, not ready to get up and start getting ready for her last week of school before the holiday break. She reaches over for her phone before opening her email, something she's done every morning for years now; since her soulmark showed up, secretly hoping she'll have an email about an inquiry, or if they've found someone with a matching mark. Yet, this morning was no different. She wishes and hopes for a notification or something, anything, but just like every other day, there's nothing.

She couldn't help but be envious and jealous of every soul couple she passes on public transit or on her walk to work, wishing it would be her, but that will never happen. Her soulmates didn't want her; that was the only conclusion she could think of. It's been nine years. Nine years and she still hadn't heard from a single one of her soulmates.

And like clockwork, the feeling of being alone started to sink in further, knowing that she would be alone for yet another day. As she closed out of her email, she opened Weverse, quickly posting a fan letter to Jin, wishing him a happy 30th birthday and that she can't wait to watch his live later that night. Thanking him for helping make her days better with his music and love for Army.

She pushes off her covers and throws her legs off the side of her bed, standing up and going to get ready for her day. As she waits for her shower to warm up, she can't help but admire her soulmark, which is a beautiful sleeve of vines and flowers, covering her right shoulder down to her elbow. It really was one of the most beautiful one's she'd ever seen. She takes a shower before getting dressed. Quickly going through her morning routine before heading out to the bus that'll take her to the Hagwon she teaches at.

Her day goes by slowly, all her teenage students talking about BTS and Jin's birthday. She lets them watch previous English interviews to help them grasp a better understanding of the language. Reminding the students about the speeches they'll have to write once they come back from winter break.

As her last class ends, she stays behind a couple hours to catch up on grading and work on the midterm test they'll be taking that Friday. She stretches languidly, her back cracking as she stands up, making sure to collect her belongings before heading to the door. Turning off the light to her classroom, she heads for the subway station about a block away from the school.

It's been a couple hours since she got home from work, having gotten some kimbap from the mom 'n pop shop beneath her apartment, and was watching the newest Run BTS episode to brighten up her evening. She's slowly falling asleep, feeling content just watching the boys goof off with one another when her phone goes off with a notification from Weverse; Seokjin was live!

She mutes her TV while Weverse is loading up on her iPad, she can't help but smile when she sees the massive RJ and Wotteo next to him & the multiple cakes on the table.

"Happy Birthday WWH Seokjin, did you have a good day?" She says in the chat, watching as he starts responding to the messages he's able to see. But with the chat moving so quickly, she knows that it has to be very difficult to keep up.

"Borahae 💜" She sends in chat, watching him blow out the candles after singing Happy Birthday to himself. A couple minutes pass as she watches his goofiness, laughing hysterically as she watches him karate chop his alpaca cake. Still giggling as she grins in content, watching him be goofy and eat the cake off his hand rather than use the fork in front of him.

After about 10 minutes go by she hears him starting to say goodbye to Army, "I hope you had a wonderful birthday Seokjin, sending so much love, thanks for making my day brighter." She puts in the chat, watching as the chat closes and just says 'The live has ended.'

Looking over at the clock, she notices it's almost 10:30pm, Amelia knows that she has a short day tomorrow, not having to be into work until almost noon instead of in the morning. So she decides to stay up a bit later, wanting to finish the Run BTS episode she'd started.

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