February 24th, 1982

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Dear James,

I hate being alone. I hate being alone even though I'm never truly alone, I've got Harry. Little Harry James Potter. God, he looks so much like you James. I wish you could see him, I think even though he's only one, he knows his parents are gone. Surprisingly he hasn't cried much, but, he's always been a sweet baby.

Ever since i first met him, when you called me up and told me that Lily was in labour. I remember Remus and Sirius picked me up and we rushed to the hospital to meet you, Lily and little Harry.

The only time he's cried really bad, was at your funeral. I know he knew what was going on. The funeral was gorgeous by the way, I know that moment was supposed to be closure, but I can't let go of you, James. You were my best big brother, even though you were my only, but I like to count Sirius as a brother too since he was always with you, it's like you were attached to the hip ever since you first met him on the train.

Anyways, Harry's been an amazing little boy. I've started going back to work a few days because I know I can't live on mum and dads inheritance forever. I work 3 days a week now, and Molly Weasley had offered to take care of Harry on the days I work. I think he likes going there, he always comes back smiling. I'm so happy there are people willing to help me out. I'm only now learning how big your social circle was, you've got a great support system James.

I think Harry is happy winter is passing, it's February now but he's started smiling more and more. He truly is a summer child. I can't believe in a few months he'll be two, and you won't be here. I don't think I'll ever stop grieving you, and not only you, I miss Lily too. I loved how she always helped me out. She was great at giving me advice, truly. I miss her, I miss you, I miss mum and dad. But I know I'll never be truly alone, atleast until Harry goes to hogwarts. But that's still more than 9 years away, gosh, 9 years, I'll be 28, that's like, ancient. I wish you could've made it to 28, then I'd still have you here, Harry'd still have you.

I think the funny thing in this whole situation is, I had just gotten over the death of mum and dad. I was starting to accept it. Then I get hit in the face by Halloween 1981. And now I'm all alone. I've never been so alone. I always had someone, wether it be mum, dad, you or even Remus. There was always someone around Potter manor I could chat with. Atleast I can talk to Harry without him complaining, there's a positive in everything i suppose.

Also, I haven't told you this yet, but after the funeral, I cleaned up your house, I'm not selling it but I've taken some boxes with little things of you and Lily's I want to keep. I put them in the little storage I got with my apartment. The only things I took out are a picture of you and Lily at your wedding, which I put in little Harry's room and your red converse. So I can carry you with me, and then maybe, I'm not alone.

I miss you James, and I miss Lily. I hope you're up there with mum and dad.


Ivory Mae Potter

February 24, 1982

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