March 5th, 1982

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Dear James,

Time really does fly. I've started making myself busy so i can't sit around and cry anymore. I have to be here for Harry anyways and i think I really should prioritise him right now.

Now that we're on the topic of Little Harry James, he's done some amazing things. You would've laughed so hard when you saw it. He's started stacking blocks on top of each other. Molly Weasley bought him a set of rainbow coloured blocks with the ABC's on them. Just last week, he stacked atleast 8 on top of each other before they fell down. The noise startled me so I looked over and all I saw was Harry surrounded by letter blocks waving while saying 'bye-bye'. He does that a lot now. To anything and everyone, every time I drop him off at Molly Weasley he waves me goodbye, or when we're in the park and some strangers leave, he'll just wave and giggle. He's a charming little man.

I visited the graveyard last week, to see you and Lily. I brought Harry too, before we went I took him in the stroller to the flower store and I bought a bouquet of Lilies. Because they remind me of Lily. What I didn't expect to see when me and little Harry got to the graveyard was to see Remus Lupin.

I think it's nice he was there, even though he left as soon as he saw me and Harry. I don't blame him, it's hard, it's hard to see Harry when he's a literal double of you. He's still grieving, and he's allowed to take his time. He left a bouquet of white roses there too. I put them in a vase with my bouquet of lilies.

The last time I spoke with Remus was at the funeral, I'm really glad he showed up. I wouldn't have blamed him if he hadn't thought. He sat on the front row with me and Harry, I'd saved a few empty seats for mum and dad, and for Marlene and Sirius, because I wanted them to be there, even if not literally.

Im only now realising I haven't told you about the funeral, it was gorgeous James. A lot of people showed up. Even professor McGonnagall, I always knew she had a soft spot for you, for the Marauders. I talked to her for a while, she offered to help out with Harry if I ever needed it and she told me if i ever needed a job, she'd help me out. She said it was unfair to me. That I deserve everything, that I deserve to live a life like all 19 year olds. But I don't mind, I like Harry's company.

My birthday is coming up, and so is yours. I'll make you a chocolate cake with 22 candles on them. Just for you, even though Harry and I are probably going to end up eating it. Maybe I'll invite Remus over too.

All the love,

Ivory Mae Potter
March 5th 1982

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