Chapter 6.

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I unintentionally leave the map on the ground as I stand up. He leads me through these labyrinth-like halls. As we move to a different part of the mansion, I can't help, but notice, that the stuff is just getting more and more absurd. The previous hallways were a dump filled with completely functional things, that are just destined to rot since they get lost amongst all of the other fully-working items. Chained by each other, as they eternally perpetuate their own demise. The objects in these halls... are different. I've just passed a 1.5-meter-long shoe, which resembles the Titanic. Behind it is a canoe made of white marble. On top of the canoe, there is a cup made of cloth.

Everything here is carefully designed to be devoided of any purpose, that the concepts of these things are supposed to have. By denouncing the meaning of the idea they represent, like this boat – an object, which is usually made to float on water, but this one is from marble, and thus it's impossible for it to fulfill its assumed intent – for example, they gain freedom, in a way. They gain the ability to transcend themself and become even more than their original counterpart could ever dream of being. I wonder why he collects these sorts of items. Maybe he just enjoys cool, absurd, and kind of useless stuff, or maybe there's more going on than I realize. I might be looking too much into everything, actually, let me rephrase this sentence, I am looking too much into it so...

„Hey, Ame, are you in an existential crisis right now?" He rotates to face me, but he still continues walking, just backward. At every turn I half expect him to smash into the wall, yet somehow he manages to turn around just at the right time to avoid collision. The way this house is built is a mess, I'd like to have a... word with the person who planned out this building. I just want to... speak with them, and definitely NOT tie them to a chair and torture them by forcing them to binge-watch cocomelon for 24 hours straight.

„I'm always in an existential crisis. You know what, I am existential crisis." Ame responds in an overexaggerated tone that indicates he's joking, but I have to think for a second if it is a joke or not. Unfortunately, there are no tone indicators like /j or /srs in speech, no there are the actual tones themself which are much more complicated and harder to figure out than the ones in text. I'm inclined to believe he's being post-ironic here, as in he is making a joke about being in an existential crisis while simultaneously in fact being in one. However I cannot be one hundred percent sure with my assessment of the situation, that's why I should proceed with a vague answer and change the subject to avoid any further possible miscommunication.

„Real...So, how many psychological issues do you have by the way?" Have I mentioned that I really fucking suck at conversing with people who aren't, well, me? I did? Cool, but just so you don't forget this was a reminder.

America pauses and thinks for a while. Then he turns to me and does finger guns at me.


My lips turn into a smile. After some time, we reach a door in front of which America abruptly stops me. I look at him.

„Are we there yet, is this your gaming room or something?" I question 'Murica, while thinking what else could be the reason why we stopped.

„Yeah, exactly! You gotta close your eyes though, I'll lead you inside and then you'll open your eyes. That way you'll be more surprised."

I have to think for a bit, but then I just shrug and say: „Sure, why not." And I close my eyes. I hear the door opening in front of me and I feel America lightly pushing me into the room.

„Aren't you a bit scared, Y/N? I could kill you right now." He says in a sinister tone. To his surprise I just laugh, cause I'm quirky, different and not like the other girls all that shit. Just kidding, I mean, I still laugh, but only because partially I am a nihilistic edgelord, who's been prepared to give up on life for a long time now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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