Poisoned love | Dev x Kier

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Hello! Happy to see ya again!

Warning!: smut, swearing, angst, violence, death, rape?, lack of consent, kink, poison,  drugs, venom, public sex, 


Three hunters stood in front of him. They had barely anything, but they were certainly still dangerous.

YelloWool was in front. Boosfer was in the middle and Kier was behind all of them.

Scared little boy, Dev thought as he saw a glimpse of Kier's sword shaking.

Yello attacked Dev with a loud scream. Dev's iron chestplate saved him from getting pierced by Yello's sword.

They had already damaged all the armor Dev had. His boots, helmet, and leggings were already gone. A bad wound on his knee made his movement slower.

Yello came too close to Dev, and Yello knew if he didn't back away, he would get hit. Yello didn't think fast enough at that moment to dodge and was hit with a clenched fist. Yello hit the ground hard and was knocked out for a bit less than a second.

Boosfer took his shot and ran towards them. He had his axe ready to strike. He swung it and it almost hit.

Boosfer tried to step over Yello, but Yello had hit his head too hard and couldn't focus on moving away. For a moment Yello even thought Boosfer was Dev. The only thing stopping him from hitting and cutting Boosfer was his green color. The last time Yello checked Dev was not green.

"Yello! Get out of my way!" Boosfer said trying to shove Yello to the side. "YelloWool!" Yello groaned when he felt Boosfer kick him lightly.

Boosfer was too focused on Yello to notice Dev getting ready to kick Boosfer in the stomach.

A sharp pain went through him as all the air left his lungs. The kick made Boosfer drop to his knees. He bent over to cover his stomach.

Dev was about to end Boosfer's life right then and there if it hadn't been for Kier and Yello.

"Dev!" Kier shouted, making Dev look up. Yello saw an opportunity and grabbed tight around his sword. He swung the sword at Dev. It broke the chestplate and barely made a wound but now Dev had nothing to protect himself.

Dev kicked Yello down on his back, lifting his sword. Yello had a leather chestplate and a helmet, but he knew that wouldn't be enough to save his life.

Dev forced the sword down sliding through the leather as warm butter. The blade sank deep into Yello's shoulder. Yello even felt the blade cut into his collarbone a bit. It didn't break but he definitely felt the bone get cut.

Yello gasped for air at the sight of blood running. Dev saw the fear in the man's eyes. Dev himself was shocked at his actions. I did it in self-defense, he thought trying to calm himself. Yello barely said anything. Only small gasps and cries were heard. Dev let go of the sword at the sight of what he had done. Yello crawled backward in an attempt to get as far away from Dev as possible. The sword made it harder to get away and he soon gave up.

Dev looked at Kier and met his gaze. Both of them had fear in their eyes. Dev walked backward as he saw Kier tighten his grip around his sword.

Dev had nothing to protect himself with. He had no armor and no weapons other than a bow with a few arrows. He grabbed the bow as fast as he could. He had two normal arrows and four poisonous arrows. He made a poisonous arrow ready to get shot. He tightened the bow and pointed the arrow to Kier. He shot but missed. He grabbed both normal arrows but missed both. Kier was getting closer.

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