I'll always love you | Dev x Kier

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Hello :)

Warning!: smut, swearing, angst, kink, 


Dev woke up to Kier moving in his sleep.

Dev sighed. Another nightmare.

"No, stop," Kier cried and kicked the air. "Don't-. Don't kill me."

Dev felt bad for Kier. He couldn't even do anything to help him. All Dev could do was wrap his arms around him.

Kier's body trembled.

"It's okay, Kier," Dev whispered into the dark. "I'm here with you."

"Aaah-a!" Kier let out in his sleep. He slowly calmed down after that and Dev could feel himself drift off again.

Kier woke up just as the monster or demon ran toward him. He looked around startled to know where he was.

He was home. He was in bed with Dev. There was nothing to fear.

Kier took himself to the head as he sat there in the bed.

"Are you okay?" Dev asked softly right next to him. He was awake!?

Kier still panted and his heart hurt from the way it beat against his chest.

"I'll be right back," Kier said without answering and slowly got out of their bed.

Kier made his way out to the bathroom. Everything was spinning. His head hurt and it was almost as if he could hear the blood running through his ears and head.

He sank down in front of the toilet and cramped.

"Kier?" Dev's worried voice let out. Kier could barely hear Dev stumble around in the dark trying not to fall.

He threw up again.

"Kier!" Dev let out and got on his knees behind Kier.

Dev quickly grabbed Kier's head to hold it.

Kier threw up again.

"It's okay, Kier," Dev said and stroked him gently. "I'm here with you."

Kier cramped again but nothing came out. He cramped again and then again. He cramped one more time and even more stomach acid was forced out.

Dev's heart sank when he heard Kier sob.

"It's okay, Kier," Dev said softly and kissed his jaw. "Should I bring you a glass of water?"

Kier nodded but quickly regretted the small and fast movements.

His head felt like a brick when Dev let go. Kier reached out for the toilet paper. He cleaned his mouth the best he could.

He groaned before he got up. He felt weak. He wanted to stay down with his head in the toilet.

Kier made the water run in the sink. He splashed himself in the head and took in some water to wash his mouth.


"Here," a soft voice behind Kier said. A gentle hand was placed on Kier's back.

"Thank you," Kier rasped and took the glass, accidentally grabbing Dev's hand.

Kier looked up from the glass and found Dev's soft eyes.

"You are shaking," Dev said gently. Kier looked down at the glass again.

His whole hand shook slightly.

"Mh," Kier let out. He couldn't open his mouth at the moment.

Dev stepped closer and brought the glass to Kier's mouth.

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