U ask for his credit card

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- Tom
- "It depends. How much did you buy?"
- You tell him and he pulls out his wallet and gives you his card.
- Secretly doesn't care how much u spend as long as you are happy.
- "You brought a shit ton"
- Carries stuff along as it is in a bag

- Draco
- Doesn't Hesitate.
- Doesn't care.
- "Happy?"
If u say yes.
- "Good now it's time we leave before u make us broke"

If you say no
- "What else do you want"
- Just gives you his card

- Neville
- Isn't the richest but likes to treat you.
- Scared his card will decline.
- "I don't have much but here you go."

- Ron
- "Only if I can get a sandwich."
- "Yes I will get u a croissant"
- Again not the richest but he prefers your happiness over money.

- Harry
- "Of course Y/n"
- Gives you limits but will also allow u to buy stuff freely
- "I just don't want you to make us broke"

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