You play Touch your favourite part of me

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Female reader

- Tom
- Pokes ur boob
- "No I did that for fun. If I were to touch my favourite part your dress wouldn't be fitting for too long"
- You ask him just to do it and... I'll let u imagine the rest

- Draco
- Holds ur waist
- When you ask why it's his favourite part he smirks
- "I can do this"
- He pulls up in by the waist
- 👩‍🦽👩‍🦽👩‍🦽

- Neville
- "Your heart"
- When u ask why didn't he touch your chest he gets really embarrassed
- Doesn't want to touch ur boob bc he doesn't like it and it's in the way of ur heart

- Ron
- Kisses ur cheek
- "They're chubby and pretty"
- "I'm not calling you fat. You just eat a lot of chicken nuggets"

- Harry
- Feels all around you
- "I love all of you"
- Cuddles

- Fred
- Hugs your neck
- Covers your h*ckeys
- "I love all of you but this stands out the most"

- George
Idk You can make ur own

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