How he reacts when you die

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Fred's is in heaven bc he died before you

You died from a duel and when someone told him you were dead he didn't believe them and he went to the hospital wing to find you laid there dead

- Tom
- starts to cry lightly since there is people around
- Really heartbroken
- "Don't leave me. Please Y/n wake up. I need you"
- When everyone leaves he cries really heavy
- "I need you to live. I can live without food or water I just need you"
- The person who did it was never seen again....

- Draco
- Runs to you and basically knocks every single person in the way to the ground
- "You can't die. Please come back"
- Really angry at the person who did this

- Neville
- Doesn't want to leave you
- Cries a lot
- "I Love You"
- when he gets told to leave he says "I'll see you in the stars I guess"

- Ron
- Can't handle it anymore because you and Fred died
- "no...please..come back"
- breaks down
- Doesn't talk to anyone

- Harry
- "You're the only person I have left"
- "Mum take care of her"
- Holds your hand even though he knows you can't feel it

- Fred
- Doesn't notice ur in hevan
- " Y/n..I can see you"
- Shocked
- hugs you a lot
- "I missed you"

- George
- "No no no no please"
- Hurts ALOT
- "Stay with me. Stay with me."
- Goes to prank the person who did it

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