Gotta mean something(short)

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"There's not much that's worth much these days but a man's words gotta mean something"

Alex had seen people come and go, he has cared about people and watched them die. He's lost everyone he had before the fall and he felt completely alone, he still had people that he cared for, but he lost large part of who he was before. Living in hilltop for the last week had cleared his mind from all the noise in his head and the reason he was here was something important to him. A certain rose, that went by the name Ruby. They met under extremely odd circumstances but all that mystery had been cleared up for the most part. He felt compelled to help her, it's what his family would've done considering Rick brought in Michonne, Carl brought in Siddiq and even Judith brought in her own group of people, but ruby was different. She was a girl from another dimension. As much as he likes her company, she'd have to go eventually. he had made up his mind to help her, he promised her,  He gave her his word. Alex sat on his bed looking at the empty bed across the trailer he shared with ruby, he was missing her presence, he knew she was out there cause of him, scratch FOR him. They had gone out for no reason looking for them even if they would have arrived a few hours after. He began to panic, what if walkers got them, or even worse what if THEY got them. This whole situation fueled his motivation to integrate the girl they found, who they know as Lydia. Alex and Dary had decided to spy on Lydia and Henry due to the fact they were beginning to open up more to each, for one they were doing were doing it to get information on Lydia and her group but they were also making sure that Henry didn't let anything slip out of his loose lips that got him booked in the cellar in the first place. Alex sits on his bed thinking about everything that has happened. He hears a knock at his door and he gets up to open it revealing it to be jaune.

Jaune: hey

Alex looked at jaune with his tired eyes. Jaune seemed sympathetic, how he had always been towards Alex. Beyond all the help jaune has given him, he began to think "was it all just to get back home? Were all the things they fought for just an obstacle for him to return back to remnant" all these thoughts angered him but he remained calm.

Alex: What are you doing here?

Jaune: I just came to check up on you. You seemed uneasy ever since you heard that they sent out Alden and Ruby.

Alex: aren't you worried?

Jaune: I've seen ruby handle much worse situations than just a few walkers.

Alex: there's people out there wearing their faces, are you not worried?

Jaune: Ruby's a skilled fighter, she can handle herself I promise you.

Alex: yeah when she has her big fucking "sci-fi movie" looking scythe, she has a machete jaune! A fucking machetes!

Jaune tries to place his hand on Alex's shoulder, Alex simply jerks back and eyes jaune up and down. Jaune notices that Alex has glossy eyes and doesn't look steady.

Jaune: hey calm down man, she's gonna be fine.

Alex: and what if she's not!? Huh, what if she dies out there? What are you gonna do, are you gonna return to remant and continue to fight your battles without her? You just leave her walker and all of us behind?

Jaune: what-

Alex: What is this jaune!? What the fuck is all this!? Some girls fall from the fucking sky and end up here and I find out that one of my best friends is just some guy from another dimension that might forget this place once he gets back to remnant!?

Jaune places his hand on Alex's chest pushing him back slightly as he looks at him with soft eyes.

Jaune: Alex, even if this isn't MY world, I've known you guys longer than I have them. As much as it hurts me, I'll have to return home because we have people counting on us to help them. I know you would do the same.

Alex swings his arm and turns his back to jaune as he starts to cry out of anger. Jaune tries to place his hand on Alex's shoulder but alex swings his arm back stopping him from doing so.

Jaune: look man-

Alex: shut up...leave me alone

Jaune: I'm not leaving you like this.

Alex: Leave me alone.

Jaune looks at Alex not saying another word. He bows his head and looks back at the door before he starts to walk out stopping himself and just stands in the doorway.

Jaune: Daryl wanted to talk to you.

Alex: I'll be there...

Jaune: Goodnight Alex.

Alex: whatever...

Jaune closes the door on his way out. Alex stands facing the wall for a few minutes before he grabs a can of food and throws it at the wall. He hears another knock at the door, he turns around and stares at it for a moment before swinging the door open. He sees blake standing there looking at him and not saying a word.

Alex: what do you want?

Blake: Can I come in

Alex takes a deep breath and looks inside at where he threw the can. He looks back at Blake and silently nods.

Alex: What did you need?

Blake: I just wanted to say thank know for taking care of Ruby. Jaune told me how you found her and brought her here to help her find us.

Alex: no problem

Blake: she really looks up to you. She thinks your strong for a person that's not from remant. There's people back in our world who wish they were as strong as you emotionally and physically. You hold yourself pretty well.

Alex walks over to his bed and takes a seat as he looks up at Blake

Alex: I had some good teachers along the way. My father...he helped a lot of people. He taught me how to do the same.

Blake: Parents are an important part of our lives, their job is to teach us how to be better people. I can see yours did a good job.

Alex and Blake share a moment of silence as they think back to their parents.

Alex: Ruby never really told me how remnant was like. How is it over there?

Blake: Before all of our problems started it was pretty cool place, we had kingdoms that had thousands of people. I would assume you people had citites and stuff like that before all this. We had Grimm which were monsters made from darkness that would feast on negative emotions of mankind, kind of like walkers that took shape of animals, we had warriors called huntsman that take care of protecting people from them. Obviously no world is perfect, we had a large criminal underworld that would be the downfall of our happy times and now we live in uncertain times which is why we need to get back home.

Alex bows his head and looks at the floor for a few short moments before looking back up at Blake.

Alex: tell me Blake...are you worried for ruby?

Blake nods

Blake: she's one of my best friends, of course I'm worried, I'm worried for all my friends that are out here. I'm hoping that we can find them, so we can find a way back home to finally get back at the ones who did all this.

Alex gets up and looks at Blake.

Alex: I promised ruby that I would help you all. My dad you know...he used to say that "there's not much that's worth much these days but a man's word, that's got to mean something". I plan to stand by my promise, your people need you back home, I'll help you get back.

Blake nods and smiles at Alex.

Blake: Thank you. Umm before I forget Daryl wanted to talk to you

Alex nods

Alex: yeah I was told...I should go, I know Daryl doesn't like to be kept waiting.

Alex begins to walk out the trailer and Blake follows. He turns to Blake and puts his hand out for a handshake. Blake returns the gesture and they shake hands.

Alex: I'll see you at around, Me and Daryl have to figure out if that girl's people have anything to do with ruby and Alden being gone for this long.

Blake nods as she watches Alex walk away towards the Manor to meet with Daryl.

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