
572 16 53

Song: Invisible String- Taylor Smith


'I don't believe you' Karma demanded once again. I was exhausted and sick of her trying to get me to admit to telling someone about her.

'I've told you everything. I promise' I stammered quietly. I stood in the corner of the room, as far away from Karma as possible.

'Yeah well, a promise isn't enough! How do I know you aren't lying? I guess we will have to wait and see'. Karma said before slapping me on the cheek. I sucked my breath through my teeth in pain and rubbed my cheek.

'Whatever, you're pretty useless. But at least reputation is sitting in her room, probably drunk or high as hell and crying over losing you. She's become so soft and it's disgusting. Who would even love someone like her anyway'.

I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming at Karma.

'I'm going to the bathroom; don't you dare go anywhere'.

I nodded and sat on Karma's bed, massaging my red cheek.

'Hey Lover?' A voice asked from the doorway.

I swung around and saw ev poking her head in.

'Oh, hi ev'.

'Come with me quickly? I just need to talk to you about something'.

'Um, I probably shouldn't go anywhere, Karma is in the toilet'.

Evermore looked around before whispering.

'I know what's going on, we're getting you out'.

My eyes widened and I almost broke into tears right then and there.

'Alright then, I'll come quickly'.

I slipped out of Karma's room with evermore, following her to her room where I found an anxious-looking rep and folklore.

'Rep?' I asked quietly.

As soon as rep noticed me, silent tears started to stream down her face.

'Oh my god Lover. I'm so sorry, I feel so terrible I didn't know, I didn't know'.

I walked over to rep and sat next to her.

'I know, it's not your fault. It was horrible but I'll live'.

'I saw footage of you in the kitchen with her the other night. I saw how she was treating you. I feel so shit because how dare I let you get treated like that!'

'Hey, shhh it's not your fault'.

'God this is ridiculous, I should be comforting you. Can I hug you?'

Rep's words made me melt and I immediately sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her. As rep cried, I began to as well. My tears turned into loud sobs and wetting rep's shoulder.

'It was horrible rep, she hurt me. I felt so hopeless and alone'.

'Shh, you don't have to tell me all about it now, unless you want to. You're not alone anymore, and I will never let you go again'.

Rep emphasised the last sentence by squeezing me tighter.

After a moment, I looked back up at the sisters and said 'What are we going to do about Karma?'

'We have the video proof of her hurting you' folklore explained 'so we will call the police once ev has messaged everyone to stay in their rooms'.

As she said this, evermore looked up from her phone and said 'done, everyone has gotten the message and replied to confirm. You can call the cops now, although I would like to be the one to kill her I haven't no body, no crime'd anyone in ages...'

'What was that last bit ev?' Folklore murmured.

'Don't worry about it, just call them'.

'Alright, here I go'.

Folklore dialled the number on her phone and held it to her ear. We all sat quietly and listened intently.

'Hello? Yes, police, please. Yeah, there's someone in my house who has been threatening and hurting one of my friends. The address is number 13 Cornelia Street. Ok, thank you so much' folklore hung up the phone and looked at us 'they will be here in 5'.

I sighed with relief and flopped back into rep's arms.

'It's still not over, but we've made some great progress'. Evermore declared.

'Rep you have no idea how it feels to have you holding me again' I mumbled.

'If you're feeling the same way I'm feeling now, I think I have some idea'.  

AN: It's a relief to me, that's for sure. Also, 600 reads? That's more than I had imagined 😂 thank you guys sm <3

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