End Game- Pt. 1

369 17 127

Song: I Did Something Bad
The van rumbled to a stop inside a patch of large trees, concealing it effectively.

"Yay!" Midnights cheered and we all turned to her with confusion.

"Are you like- on something bro?" Rep asked.

"Maybe, maybe not"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go"

We all climbed out the car and started to sus out the situation. I narrowed my eyes when I saw Karma walk out of the building and get in her car. She drove away and once she was out of sight we all ran toward the place. After a quick examination we discovered all the doors and windows were locked tight and wouldn't budge in any way, as expected. I pulled out my pocketknife and started to work away at the lock on one of the doors. In the end I got frustrated and cut a hole around the lock with a hand saw Evermore had brought. Then I pushed the door and it fell to the ground with a bang, creating an unnecessarily loud slamming noise. I was shushed and held up my hands.

"Sorry! Sorry" I whispered. Beautiful Eyes would still be around here somewhere.

We all snuck inside and I looked around. The place was exactly how I remembered it, although there was slightly more dust hanging around. Midnights sneezed and we all glared at her.

"It's the dust, jeez".

"Well stop inhaling it then" I hissed.

"Do you want me to stop breathing all together too?" Midnights replied sarcastically, scowling.

"Ye-" I was cut off.

"Girls!" Evermore snapped, making me roll my eyes.

We turned a corner and were met with the very relaxed face of Beautiful Eyes. I was one step away from lunging at her before Lover placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Just wait" she whispered.

Beautiful Eyes was spinning side to side on a wheely desk chair, swinging a small pistol around her finger. "Sup" she said casually.

"We're only here for Debut, just let us have her and we'll leave you" Evermore stated calmly.

"Yeah alright, she's just there" Beautiful Eyes nodded in the direction of a chair with Debut tied to it. Debut was unconscious, although looked to be relatively physically okay. Evermore started to hack away at the ropes around her torso with Midnights quickly joining in to make the process faster.

I stood, glaring at the over-relaxed kid in front of me.

"Can I bash her now?" I scowled wanting nothing more than to shred the girl's body apart.

"You can try" Beautiful Eyes chuckled. "That didn't go too well last time for you did it though".

I couldn't control myself anymore. I wanted to wipe that kids smirk off her face so bad and nothing was going to stop me. I lunged at Beautiful Eyes, she jumped to the side, kicking the gun away and starting to swing at me with her fists. I perfectly aimed a punch to the side of her head, fury and frustration driving me against her madly. I kicked her in the legs, making her lose her balance. The girl grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me down with her, making me let out a shrill yelp.

I wasn't even sure why I was fighting her. I felt I needed revenge on the person who had almost killed me and was helping the person who hurt Lover. However, killing Beautiful Eyes didn't seem right. She wasn't even an adult yet, and it wasn't her fault she was raised by a maniac. A hard blow to my chin snapped me back to reality. I accidentally bit my tongue and started to fed blood in my mouth immediately. I pulled myself above her and felt my brain go on autopilot, my hands wrapping around the kid's neck violently. All I could see was red. It didn't make sense how fast the anger had oozed into my mind but all I knew was I was about to become a murderer.

I grit my teeth, my eyes locked with the girl beneath me. Beautiful Eyes was clawing at my hands desperately, face paling.

Suddenly, I was pushed off her roughly, I leapt to my feet looking around wildly only to see Speak Now bent down next to Beautiful Eyes.

"What are you doing!" I shouted, adrenaline surging through my veins.

"Don't touch her" Speak Now replied, her voice shaky but confident.

"That bitch nearly killed me!" I yelled, trying to get to her.

"Reputation listen to yourself! What are you doing? Do you really want to be able to call yourself a murderer?"

I stood there, staring at the two of them, trying to decide how I felt. I want to hurt Beautiful Eyes so bad, I wanted to beat her into pulp for the pain she had caused Lover by nearly killing me. I breathed heavily through my nose and glared with as much intensity as I could muster. I walked up to Beautiful Eyes, pushed Speak Now aside and lifted the girl up by her arm. I swung a hard punch into her nose for good measure before speaking.

"Never, come near me or Lover ever again" I spat. "I never want to see your face again"

Beautiful Eyes tried to work her way out of my grip. "I don't ...take orders from you" she replied bravely. I pushed her backwards up against a wall, holding my hand around her throat and tightening it slowly.

"I said never. And I will kill you next time" 

I glared furiously at her until a voice behind me made me spin around.

"Yeah, I wouldn't threaten her if I were you" I spun around my eyes widened when I saw Karma, holding her knife to Lover's neck.

I immediately let go off Beautiful Eyes, who leaned against the wall gasping for air as Speak Now (oddly) rushed to her side.

"Karma... let her go" I said quietly, anger and fear flooding through me. I locked eyes with Lover who mouth 'I'm sorry' at me, looking terrified. I replied with 'it's okay' and turned back to Karma.

"Drop everything" my sister demanded, letting the knife draw a small cut on Lover's skin.

I let Evermore's knife fall from my hands with a clatter.

Karma glared. "I know theres more"

I didn't drop my stare at her as I pulled knives and other weapons out my boots and pockets.

I lifted my hands to the side of my head to prove I had nothing and wiggled my fingers. "That's it. Everything I have. Let her go"

"But why, if I want revenge on you, Lover is the perfect way to get what I want".

"How original" I raised my eyebrows. "Pretty sure you already tried that"

"Yeah, but before, I had to play the nicey-nice game. I could just kill her now" she shrugged psychotically.

"You wouldn't... what did she do to you?"

"Got me arrested? Getting out of there was a setback. But no biggy".

I saw a flicker of movement behind Karma and forced myself not to look.

"Please... you're my sister. Don't hurt her" I pretended to beg, "Take me instead, I don't care what you do to me but don't hurt Lover".

"Fine. I'd rather that anyway" Karma threw Lover to the floor and marched up to me. "I want my revenge to be as slow and painful for you as possible".

"Alright settle down Nemesis, what did I even do again?"

"Fine. Guess I'll give you a little recap then".

AN: To be continued...

Forevermoreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें