R U Mine?

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Mike Schmidt x (fem) Reader

The clouds outside suggested a thunder storm later on. There had been a lot of rain lately here anyways. I headed up the small walk way to Mikes home. Knocking ever so lightly.

Mike opened the door. His black hoodie and jeans on. His brown hair ruffled ever so slightly. "Hey come in." His voice gave way that he was sleeping before I arrived.

I stepped inside and looked around as he closed the door. He was being quiet so I assume Abby was also asleep. Rain had that tempting sound to make anyone wanna fall asleep. Mike sure looked like he needed a good nap. Not in a bad way it's just.. I always notice the bags under his eyes.

"You been doing okay?" He shot me a question as he walked to his couch to have a seat. I followed after and sat down beside him. A little too close this time. I felt our arms brush. I didn't give much of a reaction just leaned away. But I could see the blush on Mikes face.

"Yeah I've been good. What about you?" I asked softly turning my head to him. He looked down at his lap before turning his head to meet my gaze. "I've been.. okay." He answered as honestly as he could.

A small smile displayed on my face. I knew how hard he worked at this mall security job. How he tried his best to keep Abby. I was only the baby sitter but me and Mike had become friends. I would hope so at least. I've been watching Abby for about 6 months now.

"You know if you have a day off and just wanna sleep I can take Abby to my apartment. You need to sleep sometime Mike." I patted his hand. I could feel him hesitate on wether to pull it away or not. Surprisingly he let it stay. Giving me a thankful look. His brown eyes were cloudy with stress, worry and other emotions.

"I'm here for you Mike. You don't gotta be afraid to ask for help." I whisper softly giving him a kind look. In turn seeing his face once again grow a darker shade of red. "Yeah.. thanks." Was the only answer I got. I could see he was getting nervous. For what? I had no clue.

He leaned away from me and sighed. He didn't move his hand though. Mine still sitting on top of his. He kept his there. Until Abby came out that's when he moved it. That's also when he said good bye. He was off to work. I just hoped he could drive safely in the rain.


It wasn't abnormal for Mike to call. He did it every once in a while. To say a shift of his has changed or that he needed you to come by early. Tonight was different. It was about 9 pm. Why is he calling?

I got up and answered my phone. Leaning against the wall and playing with the coiled wire.

"Hello..?" I could hear Mikes disheveled voice on the other end. Was he crying?

"Hey Mike, everything okay?" Concern laced my voice.

"Umm.. no. Could you.. could you come over? Please.." he whispered. He must not want Abby to hear him. Which broke my heart more. How he tried to cover up his pain so his sister doesn't see..

"Yeah I'll be over in a few." My answer was quick. I hung up the phone before he could say good bye. I put on my shoes and quickly rushed to my car. Driving the 5 minutes it took to get to Mikes house.


I make it to his house and slowly walk up to the front door. Before I could knock it swings open. Mike standing in-front of me. Sure enough. There were tears in his eyes. "Mike is everything okay?" I asked searching his face for any clues as to why he was like this. "Can you just.. come in?" He asked so quietly I almost didn't hear him. I nodded and stepped inside. He closed the door and headed to the couch. Sitting down and letting his head lean back. I sat beside him. Closer this time. Our thighs touching, arms brushed against each other and shoulders close. He closed his eyes and softly cried.

For reasons unknown to me. He sobbed quietly. I slowly pulled him towards me. Saying it's okay softly and pulling into a hug. He slowly accepted and wrapped his arms around me. His face landed in the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears hit my skin.

"Why are you crying Mike?" I ask quietly as I rub his back in a circular motion. "I keep having those dreams.." He said between sobs. Those dreams about his brother. You knew of them. How he used nature noises to sleep. How every-time he'd dream of Garret he was unsuccessful in saving him.

"I'm never gonna find out who did this to him.. I'm a failure and a terrible brother.." he squeezed me tighter. I almost forgot how muscular he truly was. Till now.

"You're not a failure Mike. I know you're not a terrible brother. Abby thinks you're great. What happened with Garret was not your fault." I soothed him. Slowly running hand hand up. Grazing it through his brown hair. He let out a small sigh. Leaning his head up to look at me.

"Wanna know something funny?" He asked in such a strangely serious way. I nodded in response. "When I'm at work. It's the last place I wanna be. I think about coming home and seeing you. Playing with Abby. Having fun. Cooking dinner. How that's all I want." He stared at me. His eyes having a admiring look.. why?

"What do you mean Mike..?" I ask softly. When did he get so close to my face?

"I've been wanting to ask you this for ever now.. our glances. Our hand touching. Sitting too close on the couch... how you ask to come over on Saturdays to play with Abby and they end with us watching a movie together.." he went on. Pooling out his emotions. His face was red. The tears had dried up mostly. "You comfort me and you make me feel.. something. Something I've been afraid of feeling for someone else.." he leaned closer. So close I could feel his breath.

"Are you mine?" He asked so quietly. His voice filled with sadness, heartache, and fear. He was scared. Scared of my reply. Scared this would be the end of the road. Not only would he lose a friend, his sisters friend, his baby sitter, but also the only person who's made him feel happiness in a long time.

"You got me Mike." I whispered softly. His lips sealed my reply with a kiss. Surprisingly his lips were soft. I titled my head a little. His right hand slid up to cup my cheek. Pulling me closer. The kiss wasn't like any I've had before. This was a hungry kiss. From someone who's never had this feeling. The pull he had on me was something else. The kiss became more urgent as it went on.

Everytime we'd pull away to breathe he'd pull me right back in. His lips moving in sync with mine. Before I knew it I was on his lap. Making out with him and running my hands through his hair.

The worries of his dreams, rent, custody battle, and work left him. He was in the place he wanted to me. With the one girl he wanted to be with. He deserved these few minutes of pure bliss.

Our lips unconnected and we stared at each other. Eyes lingering.

"Are you just mine tonight..? Or are you mine?" He asked this question in such a way it sent butterflies to my stomach. He was doubting this was real.

"I'm yours." My simple reply gave him all he needed to kiss me again.

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