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Mike Schmidt x (fem) Reader
No fnaf timeline

Mike can't remember the last time he had actually gone out with someone. Had a relationship and was happy. Maybe you weren't a relationship but you were a friend.

A friend with benefits.

He often found himself calling you up at work. Maybe it wasn't important but he wanted to talk to you. He met you as he worked night shift. You'd be leaving your day shift shift. It started with a hello. Then it evolved. He didn't talk much at first. Keeping to himself. Not even looking in your direction. Now all he could think of was you.

He'd call you on the work phone. Just wanting to chat. Stating the night shift was boring. You agreed apologizing constantly about taking the only day shift option. He didn't want you to worry. Sure day shift would make his life easier but. If it meant getting to see you he'd risk his sleep.

He had told you about Abby. How he fights for custody all the time. How his brother went missing. His dreams. He opened up. He had a friend. Finally someone to talk to.

He didn't notice his feelings till later though.

He didn't even know he had feelings. He never knew what this was supposed to feel like. He would see you and smile. You'd smile back and he wondered why his face became warm.

It wasn't till the night he called you up. It was a Saturday. He called on his house phone this time. Abby was at a friends house. He invited you over.

You just hung out. Chatted. This became a normal thing.

Abby would go to a friends and you'd come over. Hang out and talk.

This one time though. Was different.


"You mean you've never kissed someone?" I teased him his face turned red from embarrassment. "No I haven't.." he looked down. A laugh escaped my lips. "Well we've gotta change that. Come here." A risk in the relationship. He looked at me worried. "You sure?" He asked as he leaned a little closer. We sat on the couch side by side. Watching some random tv show. Honestly we weren't even watching it anymore. Too busy talking.

"Yeah. Why not?" I leaned in and winked at him. "No strings attached." I offered as he nodded. We kissed. A soft, sweet, and slow kiss.

Which slowly turned into a make out sesh. Which then slowly lead us to the bed room. He wasn't too bad. Being he never did any of this before. He stated his life never consisted of really talking to anyone romantically.

Though he liked the idea of no strings attached. Not having to worrying if he was sure on this or not.


So that's how it started. I'm Saturday's you either chatted, made out or did more. No strings attached. No feelings hurt. You were just friends with benefits.

Till he offered to take you out to a restaurant. You had just had sex. Some of the best now you've ever had. He had gotten pretty good.

You sit at the booth. Chatting. Eating. Though as you stared at him you felt something more. The No strings attached you had said a few months ago was becoming harder to abide by.

The way he'd moan your name in bed. The way he groaned when you made out. How he always asked if you were sure you wanted to do something. Now dinner?

You two had finished up and were waiting for the check. He looked at you. And in that moment he knew something had changed.  The way you were looking at him was different. More softly. 

His face flushed slightly. In that instant he knew you liked him back. He was tired of playing the facade now. The No strings attached wasn't exactly what he wanted anymore. He wanted all the strings.

He wanted you wrapped around him. Not only in the sexual sense but. At night when you were asleep. Cuddled up to him. He wanted you to wrap your arms around him when you were sad as well. As you let him when he was.

He paid the bill. Took you back to his place. Abby was having a sleep over he stated. He wanted you to stay. You agreed. Though your heart ached to know that this was just as friends.

Mikes heart ached to know that this wasn't just as friends. He knew this was more. He needed to show you.


As you lay in his bed something felt different. There was no sexual advances. No Mike begging you to do something. Not that he ever did but..wasn't that all you ever came to his bedroom for?

He wrapped his arms around you gently. Pulling you to his chest. You tried to get up. Wanted to leave. This hurt.. it really hurt your heart.  

"Stay with me, I don't want you to leave."  He whispered in your ear. "Mike..". You sighed. He had a choke hold on you.

"I like you.. I don't want to lose you. No strings attached isn't what I want anymore. I don't want you with anyone else because.. I like you best when you're just with me." His voice was husky. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. A blush covered both your faces.

"I like you too Mike.." was all you said. Tears streamed down your face. He pulled you closer. This time you felt loved. You didn't feel like it was all just for fun. For a high off the feeling. It felt real this time. He pulled you closer to hold you. Not to get deeper in you.

"Will you stay with me?" He whispered softly. His voice filled with much more affection than you'd ever heard it with.

"Yes." You whispered back. He kissed your cheek and you both fell asleep.

You realized then that he was yours, all strings attached.

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