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Mike Schmidt x (fem) Reader
-> smut
-> reader is mikes friends sister

Everyday felt the same. It was the same drag. Wake up, work, go to sleep, wake up, work, go to sleep and so on.

Today was different how ever. I was going over to my friend Tyler's house. Abby decided to stay at her friends this weekend. So I had some down time.

I head up to his house. Knocking on the door. He lived about 10 minutes away. Took me 20 to get here. I like to just drive around. Take my mind off things. 

Tyler opens the door and looks down at me. He's always been taller. Which made me slightly annoyed.

"Come on in. Oh by the way.. my sister moved in. She needs a place to stay so. Sorry if she annoys you." He chuckled and plopped on his couch. I've only ever met Tyler's sister once. Back a few years ago. She came to his Christmas party.

I shrug not really caring and sit down beside him. He chats with me about random things. We hadn't hung out in 2 months. We'd call but that was about it.

"Hey, I gotta run to the store." Tyler says getting up. "Im gonna get us some booze. Gonna have a fun night. Your sisters at a friends yeah?" Tyler asked making sure it was okay to get drunk tonight.

"Yeah she's staying over." I answer looking down at my shoes. Even around Tyler I couldn't seem to pull out a happy tone.

"Sick. Ima go get some then. You need to loosen up a little tonight. Relax. You can watch what ever you want." He says as he headed out. Of course. He leaves me alone here.

Not that I mind much. I've stayed over here a lot before my dad took his life. Back when I had a little more freedom.

Not that I mind taking care of Abby. She gave me a reason to keep going. Though sometimes a little break is nice.

I hear a door down the hallway open. I almost forgot Tyler's sister was here. She came walking into the living room. Her eyes landed on me and she gave a confused look.

"He went to the store." I said looking over at her. My eyes linger a little. She must of got all the good looking genes. Tyler got zero.

"Mike right? Tyler's friend?" She asked walking over. I nod and look at the tv again.

"Yeah." I don't look at her. I keep my eyes on the Tv. "Not much of a talker?" She asked curiously.

"Not really.." I say my voice quite. I didn't wanna show any interest. She was Tyler's sister. I also felt slightly uncomfortable. 

"You and him gonna get drunk?" She stood up and headed to the kitchen.

"Probably. I don't drink much so.. this will be fun I hope." My reply wasn't much of a welcoming one. I didn't wanna talk. I hated talking to new people.

Last time I talked to her I was more than likely black out drunk on Christmas.

"Right. Well I'm gonna go back to my room. Don't tear up the house please." Her request made me look at her. She was already off down the hall.

I assume Tyler makes her clean or she does most the cleaning. Tyler obviously wasn't the one keeping this house so in order.


I was about 8 beers in. They tasted terrible. But my mind was fuzzy. One thing I liked about getting drunk was I didn't feel so sad. I loosened up. Me and Tyler were cracking jokes. He offered to invite some more friends over. Soon enough there was a party.

How the hell did we get to this? There was about 10 of us now. Not too big of a party but still. This house was too cramped for all of us. They were busy watching some game show on tv.

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