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This all began with a simple, but dangerous lie.

"Have you heard of that rumour about the girl with a scar of lightning on her hands?"

"They say that her eyes turn you into stone! And her bloody red hair hisses!"

"Is she supposed to be like that Greek mythological creature? Medusa or something?"

It wasn't the first time I've been compared to a mythological being, I've grown used to it ever since I was just a young girl, and this was a common occurrence in my daily life.

Yet, he truly was the only person to call me something else.

Something that made my heart burst into flames; wild and passionate.

"My beloved, your red hair is as wild as a raging flame, you should be very proud of it, Mariam."

It would've been special, had it not been for the fact that this man; the one person that I had once willing gave my heart t0o, was the one behind everything.

Adonis De' Lark.

The man behind every tragedy that has ever happened to me and to the people around me.

I still don't know why he did this, and perhaps I will never understand him, but I do know one thing...

I'm going to find him and get my answers.

Even if I have to tear it out of this man.

Book 1 | Dancing With Fire.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora