3.No, dont say that

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There will be some inaccuracies in the medical stuff that happens. I'm not a doctor or a historian so idk how people in the Edo period did stuff. I wrote what I know so if anything is wrong plz tell me
Standing in front of the once- thriving and proud Shindo dojo was a weird feeling. It was a beautiful gold and the floors were clean and shiny. It had a way of screaming rich without even trying. She followed Ringo into a room it had men bloodied and beat. They were students here so why are were they all on the floor dying?

I thought Mizu was just here to ask a question, not to kill the students
Y/n raised a brow

There was a large door leading into a big outdoor area where Mizu and what looked like the master of the school were talking. Ringo and y/n stopped at the doorway, for they didn't want anyone to see them.
Mizu had his blade pointed at a man on the ground. He nodded and turned to walk away until the man said something. Mizu turned back around and cut off his topknot.

God, that was so disrespectful. Y/n would normally laugh at his bald spot but it made her realize how dangerous Mizu was. Mizu wasn't someone to be mocked or messed around. Ringo and Y/n ran up to him. He saw them and rolled his eyes then kept walking.

"What happened? Did you do all that?"
Y/n shot out questions, trying her best to get answers out of the man. The dojo master and some others glared at them, especially her and Mizu. "Mizu, did you kill those people?" She is close with death but she wasn't its helper. She never killed anyone ever.

Mizu sped up. He kept his eyes focused and forward regardless of her questions and even Ringo's questions.

They walked out the city and kept walking until they reached the woods. Mizu stopped, blood dripped down his body from his shoulder. He clutch his shoulder. Y/n gasped when she saw the blood and pulled him to a nearby spring.

  Y/n stopped thinking. She went into a doctor mentality. She didn't think it was inappropriate to try and tear off Mizu's clothes. She frowned when Mizu stopped her from talking off his top.

"Mizu don't start. You're bleeding and I'm a doctor I can help" she said as she tried to take off his clothes again. He stopped her again and glared. "I'm fine," Mizu said through gritted teeth. Y/n sat down on one of the rocks near the spring.
"Ringo, can you make some food while I stitch this idiot up?" She smiled and looked at Ringo. He nodded and left to go get supplies. Y/n turned back to Mizu.

"Take off your clothes" she demanded. Honestly, she thought it was a normal thing to say. She was trying to help but she didn't realize how inappropriate and inconsiderate it sounded.

"I can't do that" Mizu said softly "I'll do it myself"
Y/n rolled her eyes again and put her sling bag on her lap. Y/n almost forgot about the cyanid bottles she stole earlier. They were in a liquid form and were glaring at her. She pulled out a small curved needle, some tweezers, and small scissors.

She scoffed and replied "it's on your shoulder. You can't even see it properly, so let me do it" she said softly. She was just trying to help the man.

Mizu groaned and pulled down the top half of his kimono. He only showed the wound and not his chest or anything else.

Y/n examined the wound. It was deep and definitely needed to be cleaned first. The bleeding slowed and dried around it.
She grabbed a small rag from her bag and put it into the spring. She rung out the water and gently patted it on the wound. The bleeding stopped and it was clean.
"I'll need some of your hair"
   Y/n said matter-of-factly. She needed the hair to use as a suture.

Mizu glared at her. "Why?" His voice was cold and mean but y/n was used to mean patients. She took a deep breath and explained "I'll going to use it as a suture to sew you back up. I just need a few strands." She opened her hand exceptionally.

  Mizu groaned and pulled his hair down. He had long, soft hair. A little longer than shoulder length. Mizu looked very feminine with his hair down; he looked good with his hair down. He ripped a few long strands out and put them in her hand.
Y/n smoothed the strands out and threaded them through the small curved needle. She patted the wound dry and put the needle against his skin. "Take a deep breath" she whispered. She didn't want him to squirm from the pain. She quickly sunk the needle into his skin and started stitching it up.

  Mizu groaned painfully but kept still. Y/n looked up and smiled "you're going great. We are almost done" she said in a soft soothing tone. She thought he would squirm more since men notoriously have a lower pain tolerance. She finished the last knot and grabbed some gauze and bandages from her bag. She wrapped it tightly around his wound and smiled

  "Done" she happily patted his other shoulder and then stood up. She put her supplies back into her bag. "I think you should bathe. Just be careful not to rip the stitches or get them wet. I'll go look for Ringo and we can eat" she said as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked away. Mizu watched her leave and scoffed. Slowly Mizu stripped free of his clothes. 
  Mizu relaxed into the water and sighed. His muscles relaxed and he almost didn't hear the twigs snap and the feminine giggle that came after. He rushed to grab her sword and point it at the intruders.

Y/n was shocked when she saw Mizu whom she thought was a man was actually a woman. She almost didn't see the sharp sword pointed at her. Her eyes scanned over Mizu's wet naked body and blushed before looking away. She let Ringo do the talking. She was too stunned to speak. Once she gathered the confidence to look at Mizu in the eyes she saw the beautiful blue eyes she had.

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