i grew up

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I grew up loved 

but felt unloved.

I grew up with the screams 

but also quietness.

I grew up with a smile, 

and now I frown.

I grew up with dreams, 

and now they're gone.

I grew up loving the cold, 

and now I fear it.

I grew up watching the rain through my window, 

and now I wish it would stop.

I grew up with friends, 

but now my sides are empty, 

with only air for placement.

I grew up seeking fun in the outside of my house,

now, I only go to run away from the inside of that house.

I grew up trusting too easily, 

now I search for isolation.

I grew up with pictures and colors, 

now I am empty of possessions.

I grew up loving too easily, 

now I forget love exists.

I grew up wanting more, 

and now... 

I want less. 

- Counting Sheep

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