【 FIVE 】

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     ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʀᴇꜱᴄᴜᴇ. That's what kept repeating in my mind over and over as I took up the rear of our shameful little parade, the four of us in cuffs as we were shepherded to the command center of the ship to face what had to be our certain deaths. It was embarrassing, really, how we were caught so easily. How had we allowed that to happen? It was like Obi-Wan said... we were smarter than that. And now, here we were, about to let General Grievous escape for what had to be at least the tenth time... I wouldn't hear the end of it from the Council.

It was almost as if the Separatist general could read my mind. He turned from his spot at the front of the ship as he heard us approaching, cackling wheezily. "I should have known it was only a matter of time before I captured you again, dear General Hollbar," General Grievous remarked. If his droid features could look smug, I'm sure that's what he would look like in that moment--to match the gloating in his voice. "I'm really starting to wonder what Jobal Naberrie sees in you."

"I wouldn't exactly call sending a full army of droids to capture three Jedi trapped in a ray shield an accomplishment on your part, Grievous," I retorted with an eye roll. "And why my mother is so interested in me is beyond my comprehension as well. But it must hurt to know that she values a young female Jedi fighting on the opposite side of the war as her over you, doesn't it?"

I almost wished Grievous could show emotion, so I could watch that smugness disappear from his face. But hearing his growl of frustration was enough. Especially as he neared me, with a lightsaber drawn...

"Don't come any closer," Obi-Wan growled, edging in front of me.

To his credit, Grievous actually stopped in his tracks. "Ah, yes. The negotiator." He narrowed his eyes at Obi-Wan. "General Kenobi. We've been waiting for you."

Meanwhile, interrupting Grievous' attempt at intimidating us, a droid edged its way around me and Obi-Wan. "Excuse me," it murmured, oddly politely, and handed our surrendered lightsabers to Grievous, who snatched them up greedily.

"That wasn't much of a rescue," Grievous went on, chuckling to himself.

"You're welcome," the droid cut in. I had to stifle a laugh.

Grievous went on, as if nothing had happened. "And..." he coughed a little, "Anakin Skywalker." He locked eyes with my brother, and stalked towards him. "I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little... older."

"General Grievous," Anakin nodded toward the cyborg. "You're shorter than I expected."

I moved my head to the side to try and stifle a snort, but failed. A little laugh escaped me, and General Grievous' eyes flickered to meet mine. They narrowed. "Jedi scum," he snarled.

Obi-Wan glanced over at Anakin with a small smile on his face. "We have a job to do, Anakin. Try not to upset him," he said, almost amused at his old padawan's comment.

General Grievous, once again, ignored us. "Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection," he taunted, pulling back his cloak to flaunt the lightsabers he had already collected from other fallen Jedi. He stuck our lightsabers into three pockets, reserved just for us.

"Not this time," I put forth.

"And this time," Obi-Wan amended, "you won't escape."

Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan and I meaningfully, as if just getting an idea. His eyes roamed, searching the room... then locked keenly onto something behind our group. He smirked. "R2," he said, cueing the droid.

R2 wasted no time. Extending every single attachment he had, he created a huge ruckus, sending out waves of fire, blasts of electricity... downing nearly every droid in a five foot radius, and distracting all of the ones that were left.

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