mine and mine alone part 1 {König}

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When you enlisted, you had thought your main challenge would be surviving combat.

Instead, it was surviving those who claimed to care for you.

In a dangerous profession like this, men could become desperate.
You could become desperate.

Not one of them ever admitted it out loud.
Yet you knew.
You knew they saw you as a prize.
A thing to be sought after and won amongst them.

And König was the runner up in this so called game.

You knew the game he was playing at when he approached you.
He had bought you a drink.
Complimented your figure.
Reminded you of how long you had been stuck here, how he knew you must miss a real man's attention.

All you needed to do was give him the signal, and then he would meet you in your room. You could get what you needed, and he'd get what he needed.

A win win, right?
But was it really?

You knew it wasn't.
You knew the consequences, but what else could you do?

You couldn't just leave, you were a soldier, trapped in an isolated and far away land.
You were a woman, the only one in this barracks, in this unit.

You were alone, and you were getting desperate. Your needs needed to be satisfied.
Surely you could be strong enough to handle it?
You could...right?
Perhaps not...

So there you stood, outside his barracks, the hallways painfully empty and still as his door creaked opened.

"What are you standing there for? Come in."

The room he led you into was very much a man's room. Messy with beer bottles stacked on the nightstand, but the bed neat and made.

"Took you long enough," he said with a grin, closing the door behind you.

"I got caught up." You muttered as you looked up at him. His infamous mask gone as his head titled sideways at you.

"Sure you did."

He took your hand in his and led you over to the bed, sitting you down onto the mattress as he stood in front of you.

"How was your day, liebe?"

He leaned in towards you, brushing the hair aside from your face. Your lips parted as you breathed him in.

A day of sweat and gunpowder mixed with the clean scent of his soap and shampoo.
A man's scent.
The scent of a soldier.
A killer.

"Did you miss me? I missed you, did you know that?" He whispered.

"I know."

"Did you miss me, y/n?"

His eyes were dead set on you as he listened, a lazy smile on his lips as he leaned down closer to you, your faces inches apart.

"Of course I did."

"I don't believe you," he whispered.


His hand ran down your side and over your hip. You felt his breath against your face as he stared.

"A little bird told me you were with one of the commanders today. Is that true, liebe?"


It was a tempting offer.
König was away on a mission, leaving you all alone.
You were desperate for anyone to humor you for the time being.

A commander had caught word of your 'acts of service' to the men and had offered a night with him.

You agreed.
And König?
My, was he disappointed.

His fingers drummed against your hips, teasingly.
He could see what you had done.
He wasn't stupid.

König was a man with wants and desires, like any other man.
He knew he wasn't the only one you were doing favors to, of course.

But to agree so eagerly?
So quickly?
Oh, how hurt he was.

"I asked if it's true, liebchen {sweetheart}? Don't act stupid with me."

"No. It's not true." You lied.

The bed creaked as he rested one of his knees in between your legs.

"It's not true." He repeated your words with a laugh. "Do you know what they say, y/n?"

He grabbed your chin, turning your head so that you were looking into his eyes.

"The wall have ears, and so do some other things." He said, his voice dripping with a smile. "Something along the lines."

"Then you know?" You choked out as your skin prickled in anxiety from his fingers.

Of course König knew everything.
He had his ways.

His hands slid lower, his fingers pushing you back against the bed with a soft thud.

"Of course I do, y/n. I know everything. So let's get one thing straight, shall we?"

"And what's that?"

Your eyes steady on his as your fingers grasped the sheets below your body.
You were weak and vulnerable, just how he liked you to be.

"You're mine and mine alone."

He didn't speak with anger, in fact, he seemed to be genuinely amused. As if you were a fascinating little creature to him.

"No other fucker can touch you. Do you understand, liebchen {sweetheart}?"

"No one? Not even the medics?" You couldn't help but retort back to him.

"Don't act so smart, y/n. You know what I mean. I don't appreciate when other men touch what is mine."

"I don't belong to you."

"Yes, you do."

He was staring you down now, a wolfish grin plastered on his face.

"Any arschloch {asshole} that even thinks about fucking you again is going to wind up dead."

"...the commander too?"

"The commander too." His fingers still grasping your shirt as he looked at you, almost seeking approval for him to rip it off you.

His fingers rushed to rip your shirt off you when he saw no sign of refusal from you.

König leaned back, just a little bit, seeming to savor the sight of you with your shirt off, leaving you utterly exposed in your lacy bra.

"Look at you, y/n. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wore this just for me." His eyes gleamed as his lips broke into a toothy smile.

It was as if König was a lion who wasn't sure if it wanted to kill its prey or mate with it.
He'll just decide along the way, he thought to himself.

After all, you belonged to him.
Whether you accepted that fact or not.
You were his.

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