[Rewrite] chapter 1: Beginnings

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[being written]

Groaning quietly, Dreidra stirred in bed.
Her blanket was strangely way heavier than normal, almost like something large was laying ontop of her.

Still half asleep she opened one of her eyes and she saw that there was a body laying ontop of her.

Her sleepy mind barely comprehending what was happening decided that a stranger sleeping with her wasn't a concern and that she could return to sleep.

Until she started to wake up and realized that a stranger sleeping on her should maybe possible be a concern.

She scrambled out her bed and grabbed the nearest object, a toothbrush, and held it infront of her in a defensive manner.

The Stranger who just woke from being harshly shoved spoke up "Salutations madam, i am an Global Navigation Assistant or G.N.A. for short."

Dreidra gave an incredulous look. She uttered a small "what?"

"Salutations madam, i am an-" "i heard you the first time," Dreidra interupted earning a small rude from G.N.A..

"Why are you are here in my home?" Dreidra asked to which G.N.A answered "Somebody send me here."

Dreidra raised an eyebrow "who?"
"The mailman," answered with a straight face.

[Being rewriten]

"WAIT HOLD UP! i mean no harm!" the intruder sputtered out. Dreidra inspected the intruder from afar. [insert description]. "how can i be sure that you won't attack me?" dreidra asked.

the intruder looking flabbergasted and slightly anoyed "wha- why would?- If i wanted to killed you i would have done it while you slept" she(?) explained. unfortunately for the intruder dreidra did not seem to buy that.

they continued to argue for the next 10 minutes much to the annoyance of the intruder.

"So let me get this straight. so you 'GeNnA' are a magic golem thingy that was send here because someone from your home had a future vision where i was quote on quote extremely powerful hero with magic" Dreidra recapped earning very enthusiastic nods from GeNnA.

"stop taking drugs" Dreidra deadpanned. GeNnA facial expresion went dissapointed in seconds. "1st of last time i checked golems where only able to be tiny blobs that could follow rudimentary command, not near human creation with human conscious," she took a moment to take a breath. "second of 

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