Chapter 6

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Babsi's POV

Without Cory it was extremely boring on the island. I was only a grey timberwolf. For sure her dad said I could move freely over the whole island even without Cory. But it wasn't the same. But as on Friday, early in the morning, a ship was seen by our Red-Kite-shifter Lorenzo, the whole island was excited. It wouldn't be Cory, but it would be guests. Because they had a directly course on the island. And Lorenzo also noticed Beck aboard.

Simon's POV

Three days after the morning Simon couldn't sleep again, Nolan insisted, that his brother was crazy with his constant hope. Everyday Nolan annoyed everyone on the ship that they would die on this ship for sure and how dumb he was, not to put a traker in his arm as he had the chance to in Wadims office.

But then they saw the island. A extremely small island. Only like a glims of a halluzination. But everyone saw it. On the horizont, there was their destination.

Cornelia's POV

Friday night was a crazy night. As always, everyone drank their brains out. Even tho the teachers and the employees of the whole school tried as good as possible to control the alcohol that was on the school-campus, everyone was at the party till 2a.m. or longer. I got to my room at midnight. I weren't really in for a 50 miles flight if I was hungover.

As Bernadette and I said our goodbyes, and merry christmas and were about to go, Erren from the 12 grade came up to us.

"Hey Cory. Heard you're going home for the holidays again and take the newbie with you. Wanna come for new year from your island here and spend your new years night here?" Erren's friends always reminded me of some machos and sometimes he acted like one too. But all in all he was a pretty nice boy.

"I'll think 'bout it" I just answered "Merry Christmas Erren."

"Merry Christmas Cory"

The more short travel to the island was extreme fun. Bernadette and I talked the whole time, at how annoying the people at school were and how live in Austria was.

"I've always wanted to spend Christmas and new years eve on a real island. I still can't belive that my parents allowed me to stay here!" Bernadette was full of excitement.

"Even tho it's really cool on the island, it's good to come off the island sometimes."

The funniest part was, as I shifted at a unseen place and waited in the air for Bernadette. She shifted into a german-chicken. A chestnut-brown chicken with grey and black freckles all over the feathers.

The chicken was really pretty, but the it was hilarious as Bernadette tried to fly. If she wouldn't hate mornings as much as I do, and if it wouldn't be 4a.m., she would surely be able to fly.

But since we were both tired, we just borrowed a motor-boat from a friend of my dad.

We put our suitcases -both more on the smaller side- into the boat and drove off to the island. 

I have decided that I will publish chapter 7 today after all!! 

Hope you enjoy the story, pls write in comments what you think 'bout it. 

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