Chapter 11

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Sitting on the wall in Simons room without letting them know I was there, was really a art of itself. 

His friends threw at him in the last 10 minutes, how he ignored them and as they finally let him talk, Simon was almost sobbing. 

"You have no idea what I've been through!" He shouted in a low, breaking voice. 

"Then tell us Simon. We are your friends." Jam mentioned. 

"That's the point Jam! Nolan hates me, my mom and uncle are almost on the other side of the globe, Wadim is threatening all of the Animox, Leo died in my arms, when he tried to safe me. And you are not my friends." All the people in the room looked a bit hurt or shocked. 

"You are my family." He continued "You are the only ones, that were really there. Noone else was ever. Or they died because of me. And than there is the person I love, right inbetween the fronts, where I don't want her at all! And I am just terrified of the day, that will surely come, when I wake up one day and get hit with the fact, that you all died because of me! Because I wasn't good enough to safe you!" 

Winter, Jam, Charlotte, Suki and Kai knew that he was always terrified, someone of them could get hurt, but they never seemed to notice, how much it really destroyed Simon. 

Simon sat on his bed, hands over his eyes. 

"Hey. Simon." Jam sat down next to him and put an arm around him. 

"We aren't going anywhere. We survived Wadim five times. I know luck can be used up in only a short time, but we aren't going to die! None of us is!"

Simon looked up at them, eyes red and puffy. If you looked close enough, you could also see small tear stains on his cheeks. 

"I don't want Ariana to get hurt. Or worse, to hurt her myself by accident. I could never forgive myself if something happened to her. That's why I keep all of you, especially Ariana, on a distance. I thought if you hated me, you won't want to fight by my side." 

"And there we have it again" Winter commented with a eye roll "You don't have to make us  hate you. Because that will never happen. Not even in a hundred years. Never. You don't have to play the selfless hero. It's not your fault, that the grown ups don't get their life together. The only one to blame in this war is Wadim and the Empire. Noone else" 

Simon looked her hopefully in the eyes. 

With an another eyeroll, Winter hugged him as he stood up. 

Simon slung his arms tightly around her and lifted her off the ground. 

"You are the best step sis there ever was" He whispered into her ear.

"I already know, now let me down" 

Simon chuckled and let her down, only to find himself in a hug between Charlotte and her desert fox Poe. 

"I'm so sorry that I went to your home that night." Charlotte whispered to him.

"Don't be"Simon whispered back.

Soooo next in the chapter, there will definitely be something 'looooovveeee'. 

Dunno wanna give you a spoiler 😉

 Hope you're as excited as I!!

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