New Year/ A Few Words Of Wisdom (Interlude)

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People often say that I'm very articulate and good at giving advice, I've personally never felt as though I am, but I would like to take this moment to impart a piece of advice that has been on my mind lately

As a New Year dawns, it is often a time for reflection.

Reflect not on the sorrows that the year previous delivered

But reflect instead on the delights that it embellished us with.

Let those you met throughout be cherished, for these are the next chapters of our journey

But let not the loyalties of those we entered the previous year with be overlooked, for these form the spine on which these chapters of our life are glued.

Let each day of this year be relished, as tomorrow is never guaranteed

And let each human life involved in ours be embraced openly

As they deserve our respect and gratitude for their continued involvement in our development.

For each individual we unfortunately cut from our lives

Let there be an equally as wonderful individual who enters in their place.

Remember that on the days in which we feel our most infuriated, we must not lash out at those we love most

But we must instead confide in them so that they may impart upon us the advice and guidance necessary for us to be able to recover

To become stronger and wiser, in the hopes we can become capable of repaying the favour when they are in their time of need.

Care not for the physical vessels of our acquaintances

But for the personality, spirit and wisdom that resides within.

Throughout the entirety of our lives, take pride in forgiving those whose sins have not stained our minds or hearts

However feel no shame in not forgiving those whose sins still psychologically torment us and fracture our hearts.

No individual should ever bring us feelings of despair and worthlessness

Nor should we ever inflict those same emotions upon others

For such actions are in juxtaposition of the values and principles we must strive to adhere to.

Listen not to the instructions demanded of us by individuals of vainly self importance

But instead listen to the endearment and advice lovingly provided to us by mentors of righteousness and honour.

Judged others not on their beliefs, heritage, passions, interests, fashion, appearance, race, handicaps, sexual orientation or gender

But rather on their attitudes and actions towards others especially those who are different from them.

Celebrate every achievement in someone's life as much as we would celebrate our own regardless of what it is

For they deserve just as much celebration for doing something that might seem ordinary to us but is difficult for them as we do when the roles are reversed.

During the duration of our lives, we must endeavour not to add to the suffering and tribulations of this world

But instead seek to use our time on this planet to nullify and resolve as many of these issues as we possibly can

Wether that be gargantuan issues such as climate change, famine and war

Or smaller, but no less important, issues like the mental health and wellbeing of our compatriots

Any amount of help and positivity we can conjure up will be instrumental in the restoration of our faith in humanity and mankind.

Leave not a legacy of fame, infamy or glamour

Instead choose to leave a legacy of virtue, compassion and love

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