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It was midnight within a small town.

At a rundown house, the living room was flickering as the TV played sports.

A nineteen year old boy was smiling warmly as he lightly strokes a little girls head as she slept peacefully on his lap, despite being in a very uncomfortable spot.

The two were in the basement of their 'home'. She slept with a ripped and old blanket, the mattress was brown, uncleaned for years. Though they both shared these things together.

But the girl slept comfortably with the young man as music played in the background.

After a few minutes of rubbing her head, his smile disappears and he slowly looks up at the roof of the basement and glares.

Just as there was some loud banging hit the roof.

"Keep it down you little shits! I'm trying to watch the game!" A muffled voice yells.

He looks back down at the little girl and leans down and kisses her head gently before carefully and quietly moves her head off him and stands to his feet and walks to the stairs.

As he walks up the stairs, the television in the living room gets louder before he opens the door and walks past it and quietly shuts the door behind him.

 He quietly walks to the front door and locks it with a click.

"Huh? That you brats?" A female voice calls out.

But the young man doesn't answer, instead he walks to the living room where there are two people sitting on a couch watching the TV.

The two people look away from the TV when they hear footsteps enter the room and turn to the young man with disgust.

"The fuck you doing up? Get back to the basement before I flog ya with the belt again" A man warns him.

But he ignores him and walks to the living room window and locks it.

"Hey! Did you fucking hear me!? I said get your ass back down to the basement!" The man yells.

And still the young man ignores him and closes the curtains.

"The fuck you doing!? Huh!? You don't want the neighbours to watch your father beat you brat!?" The female says.

He walks over to the coffee table and picks up the remote and turns off the TV.

"Hey! That's it!" His father yells as he stands and undos his belt and readies it.

"Now your going to fucking get it!" He yells and swings down at him.

But the young man catches his arm.

His father looks at him shocked and the young man holds up the TV remote before crushing it. He lets go of the broken remote as the two people stare dumbfounded at him as the pieces fall to the ground.

The he pushes his father down to the couch and holds a finger to his lips.

"I know what you two were planning" The young man says, finally speaking, and lowers his hand.

The two look at him confused.

"About what you were going to do to her" He says looking at his father as he narrows his blue and amber eyes.

Then it hits them and they smirk smugly.

"Oh you heard about that huh? So what? She's our daughter, we'll do as we please" The woman says.

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