Chapter 9

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Location: Forest

         The sun is shining as the bodies of Kiyoshi and his younger brother are lying in an open

field. The first to awaken is Kiyoshi awakening with aggression as he thinks he thinks he still is

in the cavern but snaps out of it when he sees the sunlight. He begins to think the cavern was

only a dream till he looks down to see the dried up purple blood on his armor, he's filled with

relief to have survived.

            Kiyoshi gets up his leg fully healed as he proceeds to look around finding his brother lying

near by he tries to wake him but he doesn't respond. Kiyoshi sees that his arm has fully healed

meaning he is still alive, Kiyoshi begins shaking him trying to awaken him but he doesn't, Kiyoshi's

eyes fill with tears as fears the worst for his brother. Kiyoshi grabs his brother as me makes the

decision no matter what he was going to save his brother and get him out of the forest. He lifts his

brothers body as he does he notices blood dripping from the back of Hazori's spiked hair. Kiyoshi is

filled with more grief as he thinks all of this is his fault, he begins heading away from there location.

Kiyoshi runs as fast as he can as the sound of his metal foot steps can be heard echoing through the

forest, even as fatigue approaches he continues onward.

                    The sun begins to fall as night approaches yet Kiyoshi doesn't notice a thing as he

continues towards his goal. The night is quiet not even the sound of a single Shino Tsume's growl

can be heard. Kiyoshi continues onward even as his feet begin to drip with blood. The sun begins to

rise again yet Kiyoshi does not stop, as the sun reaches mid day it happens Kiyoshi sees the end of

the trees he is filled with new energy as the sunlight blazes down on him as he passes the last tree.

The first time in two days Kiyoshi stops running but it is short lived as he looks at his brother. The

pain erupts into he body as the built up fatigue hits him all at once but he can not stop he begins

trudging along the pain unbearably as his whole body feels like its on fire.  

                He continues as his legs are barely able to move until it's to much as his legs give out

forcing him to fall to his knees, using the very last of his strength he crawls onward dragging his

brother until his body gives out. Kiyoshi body completely stops as he looks in the distance to see

something approaching using the last bit of his strength he yells "save my brother" as he loses


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