Episode 2

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 Chapter 4

Location: Forest

 As soon as Hazori hears the word nest, he produces his daggers from his gauntlet. The brothers have entered the nest of the Shino Tsume - a violent creature that's weakness to sunlight causes them to come out only at night.

 Kiyoshi looks at the map hoping to find the fastest way to get out of there. The sound of rustling can be heard in the direction of the screaming. Out of the bushes comes shoots three small dark creatures with long claws. 

Kiyoshi produces his sword. As two of the creatures charge straight for him, he swings his blade. The creatures are too fast, though and as they charge into him, causing him to drop his sword, he collapses to the ground. They proceed to claw and slash at his armour.

Hazori runs to Kiyoshi to help him, but the third Shino Tsume charges at him. It is about to slash him, but Hazori is fast enough to jump back and avoid the hit. Despite the first avoidance, it keeps going as it continues slashing.

 Kiyoshi tries to push them off but they just keep coming.

Hazori keeps dodging, until one of the claws makes contact, leaving four claw marks across his chest. Blood begins to trickle out of the wounds.

Kiyoshi gets one of them off him, and reaches for his sword as the other one remains on the offensive. With his free hand, Kiyoshi pushes it off him. He grabs his sword, slashing through one of them as the second one gets up.

Hazori backs into a tree, as the creature goes in for a bite. Hazori manages to counter by piercing the creature through with both his daggers, but the creatures still tries to attack him; despite the 2 daggers impaled in its chest. Unable to do anything but keep the creature at a distance, Hazori lengthens the daggers in an attempt to keep it far enough away so that it cannot get him.

Kiyoshi continues to swing his blade, but the creature just keeps dodging. The creature's speed is too much for him. Kiyoshi, in an attempt to speed up his attacks, reforms his blade into two smaller swords. Swinging them both, the first strike misses, but the second nips its arm as it starts to bleed.

 The creature roars as it looks to attack again but runs away.

Hazori is still pended to the wall, until the creature bites at his arm. Hazori's arms drop,  as the creature's feet touch the ground it pulls its self off of Hazori's blades and runs away.

Kiyoshi walks to Hazori just as the sun is about to come up.

Kiyoshi and Hazori look over to see the body of the dead Shino Tsume begin to burn on the ground.

Chapter 5

Location: Forest

 Kiyoshi looks as the creature as it burns to ashes. "Hard to kill little bastard." He remarks.

Both of the brothers begin to laugh. Kiyoshi helps Hazori get to his feet and notices the wound on Hazori's arm has begun to heal.

"I'm sure that's some of dad's best work." Kiyoshi says, as the claw and slash marks have already fixed themselves on his armour.

 "You think we should have told father we were leaving?" Hazori inquires.

"I'm sure he already knew." Kiyoshi assures Hazori, as he shows the back of the map, which has words written on it in the handwriting of their father.

It says: 'As this is being read, I can only think that you both have left the village. Knowing you both most likely shall not return. Continue on your journey as you, Kiyoshi, become the greatest warrior in this land. Hazori, you, continue on your way to find what it is you are willing to fight for.'

That message of support is followed with the warning it is of the utmost importance that once they have left the forest, they must burn this map. Kiyoshi and Hazori both agree that it must be done, even knowing without this map it is impossible to return to the village.

 Kiyoshi folds up the map as. "Well this is a good way to start a journey. Almost being killed by our own clan's men, then getting attacked by something our clan has been fighting against ever since it's began." Hazori announces.

 "Not all of it is bad. We've left the village, something that hasn't been done since it was founded." Kiyoshi points out. "Plus, at least there were only three creatures attacking us. Those creatures are found in their thousands in the underground caves. Also, they were only hatchlings, fully grown ones would have been impossible."

"I guess that's a good thing." Hazori agrees. "But once night falls, we will be in danger since they already know we're here. There will be a lot more, maybe even a big one."

"Well first things first, we have to get as far away from this nest as possible. From what I seen on the map, we have at least a few hours of travel before we are out of this nest." Kiyoshi decides.

"Well then why are we standing about wasting sunlight?" Hazori remarks.

Chapter 5

Location: Forest

 Kiyoshi looks as the creature as it burns to ashes. "Hard to kill little bastard." He remarks.

Both of the brothers begin to laugh. Kiyoshi helps Hazori get to his feet and notices the wound on Hazori's arm has begun to heal.

"I'm sure that's some of dad's best work." Kiyoshi says, as the claw and slash marks have already fixed themselves on his armour.

 "You think we should have told father we were leaving?" Hazori inquires.

"I'm sure he already knew." Kiyoshi assures Hazori, as he shows the back of the map, which has words written on it in the handwriting of their father.

It says: 'As this is being read, I can only think that you both have left the village. Knowing you both most likely shall not return. Continue on your journey as you, Kiyoshi, become the greatest warrior in this land. Hazori, you, continue on your way to find what it is you are willing to fight for.'

That message of support is followed with the warning it is of the utmost importance that once they have left the forest, they must burn this map. Kiyoshi and Hazori both agree that it must be done, even knowing without this map it is impossible to return to the village.

 Kiyoshi folds up the map as. "Well this is a good way to start a journey. Almost being killed by our own clan's men, then getting attacked by something our clan has been fighting against ever since it's began." Hazori announces.

 "Not all of it is bad. We've left the village, something that hasn't been done since it was founded." Kiyoshi points out. "Plus, at least there were only three creatures attacking us. Those creatures are found in their thousands in the underground caves. Also, they were only hatchlings, fully grown ones would have been impossible."

"I guess that's a good thing." Hazori agrees. "But once night falls, we will be in danger since they already know we're here. There will be a lot more, maybe even a big one."

"Well first things first, we have to get as far away from this nest as possible. From what I seen on the map, we have at least a few hours of travel before we are out of this nest." Kiyoshi decides.

"Well then why are we standing about wasting sunlight?" Hazori remarks.

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