Episode 10

386 16 13

Kiyoshi awakens laying in a bed he looks around as sunlight shines through a window he notices

he is all along. He gets up and begins walking to the door but before he can reach it the door

opens and in walks a young women dressed as a nurse.

Kiyoshi "Were am I who are you?"

Women "Your in our town hospital and I am Elizabeth"

Kiyoshi "Were is my brother"

Elizabeth "The young man that was with you is in the room next door."

Kiyoshi "Is he ok , can I see him?"

Elizabeth "He is ok but you but you can not see him."

Kiyoshi "Why not, why can't I see my brother?"

Elizabeth "He received a serious head injury, and is in critical care, its best that he should rest for know."

Kiyoshi "That can't be the gauntlet would of healed any injury by now."

Elizabeth "What are you talking about the metal things on his wrist?"

Kiyoshi shows his arms "This, my brother has the same thing on his wrist as long as he has these his injuries will heal"

Elizabeth stares at his wrist "That is something we were wondering about when we brought both of

you in we could remove his gauntlets, but could not remover your armor."

Kiyoshi "My armor is different my father made it so it would never come off."

Elizabeth "Were is your village located?"

Kiyoshi "I can not tell you that, show me my brother now."

Elizabeth "He's in the room next to this one in critical condition."

Kiyoshi "I said he will be ok if he has his gauntlet on now show me my brother!"

Elizabeth "I am sorry but it would be to much of a risk for your brother in his condition."

              Kiyoshi begins walking at Elizabeth as she yells for him to stop but he doesn't listen

thinking its all his fault his brother got hurt continuing his walk to the door. The door begins to open

as a man enters the room

Kiyoshi "Move!"

The man looks back and forward between Kiyoshi and Elizabeth " Wait what is the problem here?"

Kiyoshi "I have to see my brother."

Man "Well I am the head doctor here what can I do for you."

Kiyoshi "Show me to my brother."

Doctor looks to Elizabeth

 Kiyoshi doesnt notice the face she makes

Looking at Kiyoshi the doctor prepares to speak but Elizabeth blurts out before he can say anything

Elizabeth "He's still in critical condition it would be unwise for him to see him."

Doctor "Nurse you are mistaken I just went to see the patient and he is completely healed."

Kiyoshi releases a sigh of release lifting his arm saying "I  told you as long as there are on us we can survive any injury."

 The Doctor turns and walks through the door telling Kiyoshi to follow leading him out into the

hallway Kiyoshi follows behind him through the dark hall way coming to a door a few feet from the

room he was in.

Doctor  "Your brother is in this room."

Kiyoshi "Open the door."

The doctor opens the door revealing a room with a bed and someone laying in it.

Doctor "See your brother is ok."

The person in the bed hears the voice and lifts his head looking in the direction of Kiyoshi and the doctor."

Hazori "Who is it" 

Kiyoshi walks into the room from the dark hallway

Hazori seeing his brother's face say " Hey Kiyoshi whats been going on I woke up in this room with all these unknown people, last thing i remember was falling into that hole."

Kiyoshi runs to his brother hugging him your "Ok."

Hazori in pain "Not for long if you dont let go."

Kiyoshi releases him "Good to see you still have your sense of humor." 

Hazori "Yes, my wounds had healed by the time I woke up."

Hazori looking around his room "Were are we?"

Kiyoshi "All I know is this nurse told me were in a hospital."

Hazori gets off the bed his arms both bare "Lets get out of here then.'

Doctor "I said he was fully healed but they doesnt mean its a good idea to leave so soon."

Hazori "I fill completely fine theres no reason to stay any longer."

Kiyoshi and Hazori both began walk to the doctor blocking the door

Hazori "And one more thing bring me my gauntlets now."

The moment Hazori says "now" Elizabeth walks into the room caring Hazori's gauntlets

Elizabeth walking to Hazori she reaches them to him "These are what you wanted."

Placing his gauntlets on Hazori looks to Kiyoshi "You might not know how it feels but with out the

gauntlets I felt like a completely differnet person."

    Kiyoshi replies "I get the feeling your right about that."

Doctor "Since you have them back do you still want to leave."

Hazori replies " Seeing that neither of us is sick or injuried yea we want to go."

Doctor "Follow Elizabeth then she will show you the way."

Elizabeth "Yes doctor."

            Elizabeth leaves the room with Kiyoshi and Hazori following behind leading them through 

the dark halls of the hospital and up flights and flights of stairs until coming to a metal double door.

Elizabeth opens the door as the brothers walk through the sun is shining as the brothers  eyes get

used to the bright light again. The door slams as the brothers look back at the metal door that led

 them out. The brothers are shocked to see the metal door begin to sink into the ground.

Hazori "Lets go."

Kiyoshi " Yea but were to first?"

Hazori "One of the doctors told me there a tournament being held in a Kingdom a few weeks travel from here."

Kiyoshi "Sounds like a good idea gives us the chance to test are selfs  against these new warriors."

The brothers begin to make there way through the village

Hazori screams out loud "ONWARD TO THE DWECK KINGDOM."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2011 ⏰

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