The truth

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         "The flare was the wish everyone wanted... but one day she did something unspeakable."
The flowers that she once brought back to life were crumbling to the floor to ashes. And the people she once gave wishes to were killed in the village fire.
"Aria... what have you done..?"
The person she felt so close to all she could see was her as her enemy now.

"Why? Why would she burn down a whole village filled with people that she gave wishes to?"
"I don't know.. but I have always believed that the flare is good. She disappeared after that incident you must ask her for help." Anna held on to Ezra's arm tightly, "but if she isn't who I thought she was. Then do not make any deal with her."

Those were his mother's last words that she had told him before he set off. He knew that once over those mountains there was no turning back. The village needed help and if he could find her, maybe it would
all be worth it.
"Benji what are you doing here boy?"
"Okay okay fine you can come but you have to scavenge for your own food. I don't have enough to spare."
Later that night both Ezra and benji laid on the forest floor slurping the most delicious canned soup.
"You know I'm starting to feel like you only tagged along because of my food."
"Okay. Okay."
With the village worsening every day that Ezra was gone he was determined to keep moving. If he stopped to take breaks he would never make it in time, and all of this would have been for nothing.
By the third day Ezra was finally over the mountain, there was cabins nearby and with the snowstorms approaching it was best to seek shelter. The cabins were left here for adventures looking for the flare but many were unsuccessful.
The following morning Ezra woke up bright and early to take a look around to see if he could find any clues as to where she could be. I knew the myth was that when travelers would pass by they would hear her dancing in a cave but it was impossible to find it.
We were searching for someone that didn't want to be found, how exactly was I supposed to find her?
"God I knew this was stupid." Ezra muttered under his breath.
"Aw look Ezra decided that he would watch us find the flare. We appreciate the emotional support." One mocks as he throws his arms around Ezra's shoulder.
"Yeah okay Noah. I'm here to look for her myself."
Noah laughed. "What so you can ask her to help your little village?"
Ezra shrugged. "Is that not what all of you are here for?"
Brandon approached immediately laughing. "The flare will not listen to reason. She will not help us if we just ask, we are going to force her to give us many riches and give us the greatest power known to man."
Ezra gave them an annoyed look before throwing Noah's hand off of him. What they wanted was wrong. But what if they were right.. what if she didn't help..? She did burn down a village. Ezra quickly shook his head as he continued to walk deeper into the forest.
I searched all day for any clues, I looked behind the leaves that hung down open caves. And searched up the trees, even the ground but there was nothing.
*water splashing*
Ezra and benji approached a beautiful water fall that had beautiful flowers that covered around it. Even trees that hanged over it providing a beautiful shading area. "I think we'll camp here tonight."
*happy barking*
Benji happily jumped into the water swimming around in the water.
"You know I could use some help."
Ezra implies as the tent hanged over him almost knocking him down.
Only 15 minutes later Ezra gave up. "You're right, I need a swim."
Benji barked immediately running back into the water.
Ezra placed his shirt on the side of where the tent was and got in. He floated around as he listened to the blissful night sing its beautiful tunes.
As he went deeper into the water Ezra placed his head under the water noticing something glowing deeper underneath.
What is that? It almost looked like... fire.
Ezra went up for breathe before he swam deeper underneath. He held his breath as long as he could and when he swam closer it was a cave.
He quickly swam inside taking deep breathes. He could still see benji frantically swimming around looking for him.
When he got up and took a look around the cave he noticed candles that seemed like they were just lit. Barely any wax had melted so whoever was here, they still are.
Ezra silently walked inside trying not too make too much sound to draw any unwanted attention.
"Why are you here?"
Ezra stood still as he glanced around the cave trying to see where the voice had come from.
"You are not allowed here."
The candles that were lit began to flicker. He knew immediately that this wasn't just anyone. What if... "Are you Aria?-"
All the lights in the cave immediately blew out leaving it pitch black. There was not a sound besides the water from above.
"I will not ask you again why are you here?!"
Aria leaned forward towards Ezra with flames bursting through her body. It was her. It was the flare.

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