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"Well then, What have you got for me this time?" The Doctor tried to get a look at his new face. "Mirror...Mirror...Ah! Mirror!" He scrabbled around the console, pulling out hidden drawers. He held the mirror at arms length, he squinted, not looking at first. "Oh!" He placed the mirror onto the chair situated underneath the very heart of TARDIS. The Doctor sat on the floor cross legged. The clothes that had belonged to the previous man before, didn't belong to him. The was tight around his arms, the bowtie almost choked him and the trousers split as he sat down. This didn't bother him, he had all he time in the world to change. "This is new, This is very new!" He pulled at the new ears, "Well then! Its decided to be nice to me this time round! I mean, I've had this hair a few times but I can work with it! The Chins definitely shrunk and the nose is smaller, I like it!" He fiddled around with his new ears for a little while longer, twisting and turning them until he was thrown to the side. "Was there a need for that?" The man arose and dusted himself off. He walked to the console, pulling the screen down, "We've landed! We have landed, Houston we have...Wait! No we've landed not lifted off! I was there you know? 1969, the year of the moon landing, the year if many other things, but we won't go into that now! Plenty of time for that, you could say all the time in the universe! Now, Lets see where you've brought me to this time!" He stepped out taking in the air. 'OH LADS, YE SHUD ONLY SEEN US GANNIN'!! BLACK AND WHITE ARMY!'

"Excuse me? May I ask where I am?" He asked the first passing man.

"Eee! Mate, You're Newcastle! HOME OF THE BLACK AND WHITE ARMYYY!"

"Newcastle? Well that's new!"

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