Part 3

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Part 3

"Reverse the polarity of the Neutron flow, Allons-y, Bowties are cool, fantastic. Would you like a, would you like a, would you like a?"


The Doctor jerked violently and broke free of Savannah. Suddenly he was shaking.

“What’s happening? Tell me, TELL ME!” Savannah’s fear had gave away to her fierce temper, her body was filled with adrenaline and she wanted answers. Suddenly the Doctor looked at her, the darkness slowly fading from his eyes. “Savannah, listen to me… this is important.” His voice was strained but it was definitely the Doctor speaking. “We don’t have much time… They.. They will take me again and.. And they will make me fly the TARDIS to them….” Holding back the force controlling him was sapping the Doctor’s strength, “And.. And when they do, you must do something for me…” 

“How? What? I didn’t ask for any of this, how can I do anything?” Savannah was scared again, she was just a kid, she couldn’t fight a alien force, she couldn’t even make cheese on toast!

“I need… I need you to run…. As soon as the TARDIS lands… run out of those doors… its me they want.. Not you…Run.” Suddenly the Doctor yelled in pain and fell to the floor, he opened his mouth and instead of the yellow bulb of light that had come before it was a mass of black energy. When he stood again his eyes had returned to the dark empty shells that showed the Doctor was gone. 

Savannah backed away from him as he rose and started to move to the control panel, she made no effort to stop him as he started to fiddle with the complex controls of his spacecraft. All she could think was run, but run where? She didn’t even know where she was now, never mind where she would be when the doors opened. 


The command ship was an impressive spectacle, a fierce battle structure at the head of a huge invasion force of at least 2000 ships. This was a force that caused damage, and it was headed straight for Earth.  The corridors of the ship were simple, a plain dull metal covering the inner workings of the vessel . Suddenly the empty and silent corridor was filled with a whirring as the small blue police box materialized.  Inside the TARDIS, Savannah watched as the possessed man she knew only as the Doctor stepped away from the console and began to make his way to the door.

“WELL DONE DOCTOR! I LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU!”  And with that the voice went silent. Savannah knew this was her chance, she wasn’t safe in here without the Doctor, she needed to follow his advice. She ran out of the door just as the possessed man left. As she stepped out into the cold grey corridor, Savannah took a deep breath. And ran.


The Doctor had lost control, it was hopeless, a force had taken charge of his body and mind and there was nothing he could do about it. The Doctor wasn't really conscious as his body moved him through the spacecraft, weaving in and out of corridors. He hadn't seen technology like this for a long time, life times ago. The ability to control a Time Lord's regeneration, to twist the energy flowing through a repairing body to somebody else's will, was powerful manipulation.  

The Doctor was no longer fighting the dark energy inside of him, he was gathering his strength and thinking about his next move. He knew what this moment was, it was legendary, the mass invasion of Earth of the Romulus Empire, 6013. The problem was that it was only 2013, how had the Romulons managed to come to a different time? It was far beyond their technology.  

Before long the force controlling the Doctor took him to the main bridge, where the generals of the coming invasion.  

"Ah, Doctor, here at last!" The creature speaking was the same who had taken control of the TARDIS's speaker system. "I am so glad you accepted our invitation!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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