Aurora gets jealous of her baby sister (requested)

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"Daddy?" Your daughter Aurora spoke as she entered your' and Hyunjin's bedroom.

"Yes?" Hyunjin spoke as he lifted his gaze to look over at her.

"It's almost bedtime. Will you sing me to sleep?"

"Not tonight, sweetheart." He said, making Aurora frown.

"Can you read me a bedtime story?"

"Another night, okay?"

She stomped her feet on the floor with a pout, also throwing her favorite teddy bear down as well.

"That's not fair!"

Her screaming and stomping made your' and Hyunjin's new baby girl, Jane, fuss in your arms.

"Shh, baby, it's okay." You soothed as you adjusted her in your arms.

You brushed your fingers across her tiny back as she cried.

"Aurora, why did you do that?" You asked.

She looked guilty and sad as she looked between you and Hyunjin.

"Just go to your room." You quietly spoke, too focused on trying to soothe your few-day-old baby.

"I'll come tuck you in and give you a kiss goodnight in a few," Hyunjin said.

"What about mommy?" She asked grumpily.

"Your mom is still very sore but I'm sure she will if she gets a chance." He said. "Be there soon."

She watched as Hyunjin scooted closer to you, his attention now focused on the baby as well.

Aurora stormed off to her room, closing the door with a little huff before she plopped down onto her bed with tears in her eyes.

She's still very young, too young to truly understand that you and Hyunjin haven't forgotten about her but you're just very occupied with your newborn baby.

In her eyes, the lack of attention is getting to her and making her feel unimportant and jealous of her new baby sister.

When you and Hyunjin told her a few months ago that she was going to be a big sister, she was over the moon about it.

Despite not being related by blood to Hyunjin, she's always viewed him as her father, which is something she didn't feel for a while before he came into your lives.

Knowing that you were having a baby and she would be a big sister brought you all so much joy.

But then, just a couple of days ago, you came home from the hospital, and the days since haven't been anything like what she imagined.

She feels ignored as you and Hyunjin pay attention to the tiny baby.

Hyunjin has always sung her to sleep but he doesn't done that in days and that's not easy for her since that always helps soothe her to sleep.

If there were days he couldn't sing to her, he'd always read to her.

He'd read her stories of her favorite princesses and even make some up on the spot about her bright future and the family of four that, at the time, you were about to become.

She feels jealous of her little sister that neither of you has shown her any attention since she came home and that she tends to make you both annoyed, though that's not the case, you're just trying to keep things quiet so the baby won't fuss as much.

After a few tears fell from her eyes and onto her pillow, she reached for her iPad and her first instinct was to Facetime her favorite uncle, Chan.

"Hello!" Chan happily greeted. "How are you tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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