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I have three younger brothers and my cousins are over along with some friends so for context here are some fake names :

Me: Me
Eldest brother(whos still younger than me): Fuckface
Middle brother: Decent
Youngest brother: Asshole
My friend: Sea
Eldest cousin(my age): Dee
Middle cousin (Fuckfaces age): Meh
Youngest cousin(Assholes age): En
Middles friend: Fry
Yougests friend: Nugget

So fuckface has Adhd so my parents don't know how to punish him since nothing works but thank to this magical thing called the internet he knows more about adult fun than he should so he often says things like that he also swears a lot, he calls is all the N word and it made Sea and Dee uncomfortable so it was awkward and fuckface started humping Meh.

Now fuckface also often sexually assultes me since Im the only girl to get in a ten mile radius from him so when he did yesterday my parents didn't give a shit so when we went outside to play in the dark he would make everyone uncomfortable and physically and emotionally attack me and tbh Im sick of him since my parents like always shrugged it off and found a reason to blame me for it.

Then when we were doing karaoke he turned on a song that wasn't clean but crossed out the cusses but he would at times only say the cusses in front of Asshole, Nugget and En so it was irritating since Sea and Dee went somewhere else cause they were uncomfortable .

Then during charades fuckface pulled down his pants and started moaning with Meh so after that Fry and Decent started goofing off and hell went loose then I had a panic attack and I had to hide since we had company so that was fun.

Oh but how could I forget his "rizz" including dignified poems such as:
Roses are red
Lemons are sour
Open your legs
And give me an hour

Fuckface was also trying to impress Meh by showing how he makes out with our dog and how quickly he can make a woman uncomfortable with cussing, trying to touch them, getting overly physical in mini sticks, ect.

Oh yeah Sea had bumped into En a d Fuckface pinned her against a wall and tried slapping her since she hurt En when Sea did nothing wrong and made her feel like shit.

What did your parents do? NOTHING not one fucking thing they shrugged it off and continued talking with their friends. Multiple time Sea and Dee asked me "you need to live with this?!?!" And "is he always like that?" My answer to both those questions is yes.

Im probably just being dramatic but I am fucking tired of him.

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