Eva Ambani

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Eva pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I yawn and rub my eyes awake. God my room is a mess. I get up and put on my slippers. Today was the day I go and pick out my male slave. My mom's have been bothering me about it since my 18th which was last week. It's been a pain in my ass to listen to them especially my mother Rose Ambani. She has been pestering me non stop when am I getting my slave and when will I get to experience "women hood" it's been hell just listening to her comments.

"When is your male coming?"

"Let's go to an auction!"

"It's been a week Eva time to get your slave!"

And then on the other hand my mom Laura Ambani Smith all she does is agree because she doesn't want to argue with my mother.

"Listen to your mother Eva"

"Yes honey she does need a male"

"Eva just go out to an auction so your mother can stop complaining"

"Eva it's been a week are you even interested in a male slave?"

That's all I've been hearing for the past week and it's unbearable. I get dressed wearing sweatpants and a compression shirt with a Nike logo on it. I then put on socks and white shoes on also Nike.

As I'm heading downstairs I see Nic he's one of my mother cleaning slaves he sees me and bows at me. I walk past him and he continues cleaning. He's very old and I believe he will die soon. He's gotten slower and forgetful.

I walk into the kitchen and see my mother, mom, and yuri my bestfriend.

"What's are you doing here?" I ask Yuri she doesn't come unannounced ever.

"Look your mother invited me over to ask why you won't buy a male slave already" Yuri says and I groan.

"Ugh do we have to have this conversation everyday it's been a week ARENT your tired yet?!" I yell back.

"Don't raise your voice at me Yuri here got her first male right when she turned 18 why can't you do the same?" My mother scolded me.

"Hun you do know it's required to have a male by 18 or you'll be forced into having one." Mom says to me not looking up from the newspaper.

"C'mon Eva let's go to an auction tonight and pick one out.!" Yuri whines to me.

"Why do I even need a male I don't have time to take care of some animal and still run this business and football." I groan back.

"Honey you are part of the Ambani family it will go around that you don't have a slave you know how that can affect our reputation every Ambani women gets a slave even multiple to show our wealth. It will give horrible appearance for the heir of the Ambani family to not have a slave." My mother lectures me.

"Your mother is right you should get a male soon or else you'll be labeled as one of the 'rebellion' who think males are equals." Mom explains.

"Fine you guys want it so bad I'll go look but don't be surprised if I come back with nothing!" I bark back at them.

"Me and Yuri have to go to school" I say picking up my things and head in out through the garage.

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