Eva Ambani

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Eva pov:

Why the fuck was my mother crying what is going on?!? I've never seen my mother cry before not ever. She thinks it makes you weak and soft everything she hates. She taught me never to cry as it was not in the Ambani family.

"Johnny is that really you..?" My mother ask looking towards Jasper.

"Who the hell is Johnny this is my pet the one you've been nagging me all week to get..!" I ask confused.

My mother looks at my mom and turns away from me. I see my mom get up and whisper something to her.

"Can one of you tell me what's going on?" I ask again because still no one has said anything.

"Eva your mother and I need some time to rest it's best if you leave and take that.. male with you.." Mom tells me which makes me even more irritated because they never tell me anything.

"I don't understand this is what y'all fucking wanted for me to have a male and now you're crying over this what the fuck is going on?!?" I shout.

"EVA GO JUST FUCKING GO LEAVE!" My mother screams as she throws a glass cup at me.

I grab Jasper just in time the glass almost hit him. He's shaking from fear and crying too. It's not a loud cry but it's one of the silent ones. I hear the glass shatter from behind me and I look and my mother in disbelief.

"Fuck both of you." I grit through my teeth before I leave.

I grab Jaspers hand tightly and walk out grabbing my keys and heading toward the garage. I opened the passenger seat and buckled Jasper in. I slammed his door shut and walked to my side. As I got in I slammed my fist hard against the steering wheel and the horn honked hard.

"M-mistress plea-please st-stop...!" I hear Jasper whimpering next to me. He was crying.

I looked over at him he was holding his stuffed animal tightly in his arms and he was shaking. I'm just so mad my parents never tell me anything never at all it may seem like I'm overreacting but it's just not true. They never tell me anything about anyone who is Johnny and why did they call Jasper that. I looked over at Jasper still crying. God I regret buying him what do I do in this situation. Maybe.. I start to pet his head. I then slowly go down to his neck and rub it gently.

"I'm.." I don't know what is coming out of my mouth but I couldn't stop it.


He stopped crying but that didn't help the fact of what I just said. Something happening to me and this time I didn't eat any shrooms. I drive to all the way to Isa's house to what amazing thing they bought.
We finally make it there and I buckle Jasper out and walk him to the door. He looks nervous I didn't really tell him where we were going. As I knocked on the door he grabbed my hand and just held it. It was nice.

"Hey fuckers!" I hear Yuri yell as she opens the door.

"Hurry the hell up and show me what you got." I reply to her fast comment.

She opened her arms and pointed to Isas room upstairs. Isa has. Huge house with 3 floors. Jasper and I walk up to the second floor Yuri right behind us. Down a long hall way and then to the left Isas room.

"Eva you're going to be fucking shocked when you see it. Especially since you hate pets." Yuri says opening the door.

Wait did she just say pet?

Yuri opens the door and I see Isa on the side of her pets with 2 males on their knees with muzzles?!

I see Jasper hide behind me and his hand starts to tense in mine.

"Yuri who the fuck is that?!" I ask her grabbing the males and Isa attention.

"I want you to meet our newest pet Cameron!" Yuri says with glee.

God how can someone handle these .. things. I mean I guess there is 2 of them taking care of them but still I can't even handle how much Jasper cry's it's insane. I mean shit Yuri always wanted to fuck a male I guess they both could do it at the same time now. Some couple "Bonding".

"Awww are you guys going to fuck them with your straps together? Such a good couple bonding!" I say making fun of them.

I feel Jasper let go of my hand and I see the boys look at me. I push Yuri aside to see what the new one's face looks like. Huh pretty cute to me- I mean what?! I don't like fucking boys... whatever.

Wait a minute he looks familiar. Is that the boy.? Oh my god he's the boy dating the red head! My eyes widen at him in realization and his eyes widen most likely realizing me at an Ambani.

"Aww what's wrong pet don't like the idea of submitting?" I tease Micheal he looks so angry. But that's when I see them he has scars all over his body. Looks like whip marks. They didn't tend to them at all by the looks of dried blood all over him.

"Eva do you like him his curly hair is soooooo soft" she moans while curly her fingers and gripping his hair he winces at the pain.

"Uh huh." I look at her with a brow raised.

I see Jasper drop his animal and then looks at Cameron with tears in his eyes. What wrong with him this time..?

"C-Cameron?" Jasper suddenly says and then runs over and jumps straight into his lap and arms.

God what am I thinking right now? I don't know the reason I felt this way but I didn't want Jasper to be in his lap it's.. it's just weird!

"You see I told you, you would be shocked!" Yuri says smiling so is Isa.

"They are friends too! All three of them knew each other while in the training homes." She tells me like I'm supposed to be happy?

"What's the point?" I roll my eyes.

"SLEEPOVERS!" She yells while grabbing me inside and shutting the door.

"Come on Eva why don't we let them hang out today they'll only be in the corner of the room in the play set.

I see to the corner of my eye a small fences up area with toys and pink fluffy carpet on the floor. I guess that's the "Play area"

"Jasper get up and come here" I ignore her question.

He walks to me slowly realizing he broke another rule. Isa has to hold back the 2 boys from trying to attack me.

He finally gets up to me and doesn't look up. I bend down slightly to the level of his ear.

"We can stay and you can play with your little training friends but when we get home I'll teach you a lesson of not running up to pets." I whisper in his ear leaving my hot breath for him to feel.

"Y-yes mistress" he whimpers back.

"Good boy" I compliment him while slowly caressing his body.

"God your ass just looks so good in that shirt I picked for you, I just wanna bend you over right now and take you here in front of all of them." I whisper again meaning it.

I feel his body heat up. I look back up to Yuri.

"Fine let's have a sleepover." I answer her.

"YAYYYY SLEEPOVERR!!!!" She yells so loudly.

This may be fun after all I did pack a little special something in his backpack, hmm maybe I could use it tonight after all?

Man in a women's world Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora