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I can't say I'm not scared, but I wouldn't say I'm terrified. The Castel has been boarded up by me and spike. My magic has been enough to create food and things for us, but I'm getting tired. I'm worried, the girls are out there and I don't know what to do. I'm going to have to escape Ponyville soon. The infectious goo is slowly beginning to seep through the boards as the infected stumble past my castel and try to break in. I've been studying the infection the last few weeks, and from what I know, the early stage turns their cutie marks black. They still seem to have their minds, but they see differently. They begin to act differently. Symptoms i have seen are aggression, some type of cannibalistic hunger, and in the early stages, some reminisces of fear. It seems like the infected are slowly losing their sights as well. Touching the goo creates a slow transformation, but if you get bit, the early infection stage seems to pass in moments, leading to the late stage of the disease. In the late stage, they seem to have lost the aggression and are fueled by their hunger for other ponys. Their hooves seem to bleed, and the good seems to pore out of their cutie marks and there mouths, Pegasus seems to have their wings droop. Their ability to fly gets completely taken away. It seems the safest place to be is Las Pegasus, but I'm almost sure early infected Pegasus would've flew up there why they could, going to hospitals and being hungry. I get out of my thoughts and stop writing as Spike interrupts me.
"Twilight! Twilight look, quick!"
Spike points to the window, I rush over and look out through the boards. There's a fully infected outside.
"Is that... lyria?...."
The goo has completely taken over her body she's barely moving. Goo is pouring out of her eyes, and she's leaving a thick trail of the goo behind her. I study her quietly from the window.
"Twilight... there's Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash! ... they seem to be hiding from lyria... they look ingured, but their cutie marks aren't black at all."
I whisper to spike,
"Quick Spike, open up one of the windows upstairs, and we can let rainbow fly Apple Jack and herself inside."
We rush upstairs, opening the window as we wave and grab there attention, apple jack notices, as fast as she did her and rainbow end up flying threw the window, I board the window up fast with my magic.
"Rainbow, Apple jack, thank Celestia you two are safe"
Rainbow looks at me and smiles
"I'm glad you were here, I was at Apple Jack's when the infection started spreading... Apple Bloom had come home, and she got Granny smith... Big Mac is still out there. He said he was going to get Pinkie. we were going to get you."
I look at the worried look on Apple Jack's face. She's lost half of her family in such a small time period.
"It's alright, Apple Jack. I'll find a cure, I've been studying them. Where were you going to take me and Pinkie once you found us?"
Rainbow puts her hoove around Apple Jack
"We were going to try and get everyone who's not infected together and find a shelter or somewhere to stay together, you've done an alright job boarding the Castel up but I think we could do better."
I just realized how both of them had big bags full of things on them, they weren't planning on going back to the farm, I use my magic to quickly pack essentials, my study book, a few pens and pencils and a spare book incase this one gets full. The next bag I place a few more books, these ones are full of spells that I find nessacery to know, like food conjuring and some others. I pack some clothes for cold weather and in spikes bags, I pack his comics, some gems, and as much bedding as I could fit.
"Let's go find Pinkie and Big Mac. They'll probably be at the bakery. We must stay quiet and stay as low as we can."
All our bags on, we slowly fly ahead, Apple Jack on Rainbow Dashes back and Spike on mine. We get closer to the ground as we look into the bakery windows. Big Macs tail is visible. We head inside of the bakery slowly and carefully. There's no sight of pinkie. We stay clear of the goo all over the ground. Something isn't right. Big Macs cutie mark... Mrs Cake is in the late infected stage....
"Girls.... I don't think pinkies here.... run!"
We quickly run away flying up fast, watching the town looking for Pinkie. I look at rainbow dash as we fly, apple jack crying, but we must stay focused on the task at hand.
After flying for what seems like hours around town, we end up checking fluttershys house instead.


All I can think about is my family. There all dead, maybe that's a curse of having a big family, your bound to lose a few in a time like this I hope Pinkie Pie is okay, she's the only family I have left at this rate, but after what I saw at the cake shop I don't think she's okay. I get out of my thoughts when we stop infront of fluttershys house, it looks like a mess bugs crawling everywhere outside and she must've broke the bridge outside so earth ponys and unicorns can't get past, smart idea, but in the water I can see drowned ponys, all infected by the looks of it.

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