Chapter 15: Northern Allies and New Siren Threat

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Location: Northern Parliament's Water Area

Date: 28 Feb 1942

1700 hours

Third Person POV

Alexander follow Rossiya and the others to Northern Parliament's base.

Alexander: (in mind) Brr, it's cold. But I think I have winter clothes in my ship. I must check it.

Rossiya: "Are you okay, comrade?"

Alexander: "I'm okay. Just cold."

Arkhangelsk: "Don't worry comrade, our vodka will warm your body."

Alexander: (in mind) Oh no, not vodka. But I bet Lily will love it if she's here.

Alexander: "Uh okay."

Five minutes later.....

Location: Northern Parliament's base

Third Person POV

Rossiya: "We're here. Welcome to our base, comrade Alexander."

Alexander: "Спасибо за теплый прием, товарищ - {Spasibo za teplyy priyem, tovarishch} (Thank you for your warm welcome, comrade)."

Gangut: "Wow I don't know you can speak in our language comrade."

Alexander: "Yep, because back in my world, I have many Russian friends, including one in my squad. I learned it from them, usually for throwing jokes at each other."

Tashkent: "Oh so you from another world, like they said. Can you tell us about your world?"

Alexander: "I will. And I'm sure you will like it."

They walking to command building. In there many people greets them.

Soyuz: "Welcome back Rossiya. How's the situation?"

Rossiya: "We're good sister. We also brought him here." *pointing at Alexander*

Soyuz: *look at Alexander* "So you're the shipboy that Wales mention?"

Alexander: "Yes, my name is SPS Alexander, Levant-class multi-purpose nuclear aircraft carrier."

Rossiya: "What makes you different from usual aircraft carrier."

Alexander: "Multi-purpose means I can act as both carrier and cruiser at same time, meanwhile nuclear means my energy source isn't from oil, but from nuclear reactor that can operate until 20-25 years."

Volga: "Wow, such impressive technology from future."

Chkalov: "Aircraft carrier who also can act as cruiser? This is new for me."

Grozny: "Where you have been built, comrade?"

Alexander: "I was built in country name Republic of Turkiye."

Rossiya: "Republic of Turkiye? Where is that place?"

Alexander: "Do you know a faction called 'Crescent Moon Empire'? Yeah, I was built in there, but in my world, it is a country called Republic of Turkiye."

Avrora: "Oh Crescent Moon Empire! Yes I know, they're faction located between Aegean Sea and Black Sea. After the First Siren War, they chose to return and protect their homeland, also they helping us keeping our 'backyard' safe so we can focus on Sakura Empire and Siren on Pacific."

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