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I marched alone towards the village nearby. Only my task in my mind. The village was quiet, my ideal place in my chaotic life. I could only dream of living a life like this.

The enchanted dagger led me straight to Kiera. I stood in her doorway and watched her for a moment. She was a young lady, not much older than I. She was scrying crystals until she sensed my presence. Her forehead creased as she tried to work out who had approached with as small a presence as I. She grabbed her orb of divination to try and work out who this stranger was. I took a deep breath before making myself known.

She gasped before turning to face me. She grabbed her orb again, trying to work out who I was. Though thanks to the enchantments my Master had granted me, she couldn't get a read on me. She tried to keep herself calm as she saw my weapon. I stared her down... I may be young but I knew what I was doing. She looked at me anxiously, nervous of not being able to work out who I am or what my intentions are.

"I was sent by Loki... you disappointed him, don't let it happen again..." I raise my dagger. She gulps as the blade glints in the light of her candles.

"Is... is that...?" I nodded gently, my expression unchanging as I raised the weapon to her throat.

"I'm warning you... disappoint him again and there will be consequences..."

The seer seemed truly afraid. Then again, even I knew Loki could strike the deepest of fear into someone's heart. She nodded before barely whispering...

"I will not disappoint again..." I pressed the dagger against her skin lightly, just enough to leave a mark.

"Good, the hopefully our paths won't cross again," her breathing became shallow, she was scared for her life.

"I will not disappoint Loki again. I think he is the God whose actions I will not question in the future,"

"Keep that mentality and you shall live," she gulps again and nods quickly.

"I promise I will..."

"Good, then I believe I can leave you now... farewell Kiera..." then I left without a further word. Wandering back across the Asgardian lands, my brain wracking. What I did was probably wrong, but it was all for the right reasons. To protect the authority of my Master. As soon as I returned, I presented Loki with his dagger back. He looked over it with his usual pleased smirk.

"So you have returned. Tell me, how did your task go?"

"She won't disappoint again..." Loki smirked.

"Good, you've done fine, I see. It's not often I have to send someone to give a seer a warning. Most of my followers are content with my tricks and never bother the seers..." he looked at me in thought for a moment before he continued speaking. "But you saw just how the seers can be. So full of themselves, thinking they are equal to us. Well, now she will know where our places are and respect my power."

"Indeed," I replied. Loki smiled back at me. Less of his cruel smirk, more approving.

"I'm glad you understand. I can see you're a loyal and worthy servant. You shall be rewarded for your work..." he leans back in thought a moment. "And, as a thank you, I have a boon for you..."

"Really?" I was taken aback, a reward? Was I truly deserving? The god chuckled at my reaction.

"Yes. You have shown loyalty to me and have carried out my orders to the extreme. That is a quality I look for in a servant. So... tell me, what do you desire most as a reward to your service?" I was still in shock that my Master believed I was worthy of a reward.

"I... I don't know," Loki smirked once more and leaned back in his throne.

"Think about it, my dear servant. I could grant you riches beyond your wildest imagination. I cold give you power beyond what you could even fathom," he chuckled. "All mine to give, just tell me what you desire the most..."

"Please, Sir, a reward is unnecessary..." his smile almost seemed to brighten at my request.

"Nonsense. You have done much for me today that most would not do. So a reward is most certainly necessary. Just tell me what you want most and I shall grant it to you." I faltered slightly at his kindness.

"Well... if you truly insist, I would love a dagger as fine as your own," I tried to regain my usual confident composure. Loki's eyes widened slightly, as if he was pleased but also confused. Perhaps he was surprised at how small my request was.

"A knife like my own? Very well. It so happens I have one laying around, and I would be more than happy to give it to you as a reward,"

"Thank you, kind Sir," he gave me a slightly softer smile, though his authority and cruelty still present.

"Think nothing of it. You are a good servant, and you deserve to be rewarded." He snapped his fingers and in my hands appeared a dagger similar to the one I had borrowed. "There you are... your very own knife..."

"Wow..." I examined it intently. It was truly a beauty.

"It's magical as well, though I do need to warn you. Wield it wisely, for it is dangerous. That knife had been used for more than a few of my tricks... and some of my crimes..." he smirked slyly.

"Amazing..." Loki seemed pleased with my excitement.

"I'm happy that you're pleased with it. It really is a wonderful knife," he grins at me once more. "I trust you'll use it wisely?"

"Of course, my lord," he nods firmly.

"Good. Now you are dismissed for now. Though there's a chance your skills may come in handy again. And when that time comes, I shall call upon you to execute my plans. Do you truly promise to remain loyal to me?"

"I promise," I have no shame in those words to this day. Loki nodded to me again.

"Good. Then your service is appreciated. I shall keep you in mind for my further plans," he smirked and waved me away in dismissal. I bowed one last time before being left to my own devices.

I always did the same thing in my alone time... I would go outside and train. Usually I would use my own dagger, the one that never left my side. But today I decided to try out the knife I had been granted by Loki. It was slightly larger and heavier, so my usual technique had to be adapted to wield this particular instrument. I grinned to myself as I was truly in my element.

I wasn't aware at the time though of Loki using his power to observe me from afar. He was intrigued by me, he always had been. Not many 12 year olds are fully matured and devoting their life to a god...

The sun got lower and lower and I took this as a sign to retreat to my chambers for the night. Loki still observing me until I had fallen asleep.

The Youngest ServantWhere stories live. Discover now