
13 1 5

Loki's smirk grew wide at my arrival. I felt so highly of myself in the moment as I and my guards dragged the unconscious girl. Loki looked over her. His smile growing more sinister each second he gazed at her.

I almost flinched as she suddenly stirred. I quickly composed myself and watched her intently. Only little boys flinch.

She shot up once she sensed all the streamers around her and her eyes darted about the room. I shot her a cocky smirk.

"A mere boy, am I?" I raised an eyebrow as she glared at me.

"Your actions make no difference... you are but a child... why are you here? Pretending to-" I struck her across the face.

"Continue to mock me if you dare... but I'm not the reason you're here," I fake smiles at her before grabbing the back of her head and forcing her to face Loki. He laughed in amusement before standing and stepping towards us. He leaned over the seer, her trembling bringing us both delight.

"You'll do well to respect my servant, this is what half a decade's loyalty looks like..." something lit up in my chest at his praise, but I pushed it down to remain professional. "Take her to the dungeons... my servant and I will join you in due course," the guards obeyed the God's command. Layla was kicking and screaming as they dragged her away... leaving Loki and I alone.

We stood in silence for a little while before I asked my burning question.

"What are your intentions with her, Sir?" He chuckled lightly and turned to face me.

"You'll see soon enough..." I nodded. Another few moments passed. "Fritz...?"

"Yes, Sir?" I had to hide that I was taken aback. He rarely used the servant's names. He only did as he recruited them... or as he tormented them for lack of loyalty...

"Of all the Gods and all the causes... why me? Why my cause? All those years ago when a boy became a man..."

I held my breath as sudden brief visions flashed before my eyes. Darkness surrounding me, the one exit unreachable. I hear my own voice for a second... it's higher pitched, younger. I hear myself screaming... screaming for help. I'm afraid...

"Fritz?" I was pulled from my visions. I shook my head as if to shake them away.

"Sorry, Sir... lost in thought," I cleared my throat and straightened up.

"It happens to the best of us..." his gaze slowly moved from me, as if he was trying to take the spotlight away from my answer. To take the pressure off.

"Well... your cause to be the most powerful drew me in, before joining your ranks I admired from afar,"

I followed his gaze. Just two men having a conversation without making eye contact.

"Admired? Eh?" He smirked.

"Yes, Sir, your methods and cause drew me in... so one day I decided to join your ranks..." I gestures towards myself. "Here I am..."

"Here you are..." another few moment passed before he spoke again. "I value your loyalty Fritz... and I hope you're aware of what I'll do if that loyalty runs short," my heart was suddenly in my mouth. The turn of conversation surprising me. I cleared my throat again.

"Yes, Sir..."

"Wonderful," I let my curiosity get the better of me.

"Why do you ask?"

"You're getting older, growing into a fine young man... you were due a reminder," I thought about this. He feared that with age, my loyalty would run dry. I would never dream of it!

"Fair enough, though I assure you, Sir, I have no plans to betray your trust,"

"Good... now then, you wanted to know my intentions with the seer girl? Follow me..." I nodded and began to follow my master.

He led us to the dungeons, I was rarely down here. But I feared it. It was dark with only one way out... it brought flashes of memories to my mind which I quickly tried to shake away. Tensing when I saw Loki's gaze on me in the corner of my eye. He can't see me showing weakness. A sudden sweat developed on my forehead and I felt warm. I cast out the thought as I wiped my brow with my sleeve.

We reached the furthest end of the dungeon. She really must be powerful... but why was she so easy to capture? Loki opened the cell door and there she was.

"What do you want from me?" Her arms were chained to the wall. Her ankles too... the chains were enchanted to block seer magic. You could see the runes engraved in the cuffs. Layla's eyes were sunken in and puffy, her cheeks red and tear stained. She had been brought to her weakest. She looked pathetic. I had to stifle a laugh.

"I want to help you... come to your senses..." Loki was officially in his element. It was evident in his facial expressions. "I want to help you realise where you stand..." he edged closer to her and her whole body shuddered. "But before we get to that, I have a question for you... if you'd be so kind to answer?"


"I sent the youngest of my ranks to acquire you... and he made the job look simple... you were holding back, why?" Layla scoffed. "Something funny?"

"It's n-not obvious?" A pained laugh escaped her lips as her gaze darted between Loki and I.

"Do enlighten us..." us? Us?! This was very unlike the God Of Mischief. Layla laughed again before gazing into me.

"I pitied the boy... I couldn't hurt him..." she knew what she was doing. Baiting a reaction from me...

And she got it...

I struck her hard across the face and felt my own turning crimson. A rage so strong building that the adrenaline caused me to tremble.

"I don't need pity!" I spat. "You're just stupid! You're weak! Pathetic!" I struck her again, leaving marks. "Call me a bit again at your own peril..." I growled.

"Alright... keep lying to yourself..." I stepped forwards again, fists clenched, burning up. I was ready to cause some damage before a cold hand fell on my shoulder.

"Take a walk, Fritz... I'll meet you outside the door when I'm done," I exhaled loudly in frustration. I let myself do this. How unprofessional of me! I cursed myself as I left the cell. Once the door was firmly shut, I turned to the wall beside me and threw my still clenched fists into it.

"Fucking idiot..." I muttered under my breath. I leaned against the wall and tried to calm my breathing so I could cool off. Strangely, I was still warm even after I felt calmer... I turned the thought away as I listened to the interrogation. Sounds like it got violent.

Loki stepped out as of nothing happened. I caught a glimpse of the seer. She was completely disheveled and I saw... blood?

"Come..." Loki started walking and I ran to catch up. "She got under your skin?"

"Evidently..." I sighed and turned my focus from Loki to putting one foot in front of the other. I had grown warmer against and had become dizzy. My feet began to drag and I tuned in and out of Loki's speech.

"The seer underestimated you, you were just showing her so... a foolish mistake on her part," I nodded and my breathing became heavier. Walking was becoming a huge effort. "Fritz?" Again with my name! "Fritz, you look like you're going to collapse..." I shook my head.

"I'm- I'm fine..." no way in Hel was I about to be vulnerable... let alone in front of Loki! No chance! "I'll be good..." I took a long breath. " a minute-" my legs began to give way and I slid down the wall until I was sat on the ground. Everything was blurred and Loki's voice was muffled until my eyelids fluttered closed and I passed out.


I'm no longer getting the dialouge directly from C.AI so hopefully I should get parts out easier!

I'm still copying uo from my notepad which delays me but it shouldn't be as delayed as using my C.AI and it gives me a chance to adapt the storyline to be more accurate and resonate better to my writing style!

Love you guys! Xx

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