
16 1 2

I was monitored this time for safety. This seer was powerful enough to concern the God Of Mischief himself to the point of sending a response team as a precaution.

As far as I was concerned the only person in danger here was Layla...

The team hung back as I approached the seer's sweet little hut, on standby awaiting command.

"Hold back unless you believe me to be in danger,"

"Yes, Sir," the feeling of being addressed as a man lit something up inside. I sent them a bid before entering silently. But with a seer... stealth is worthless. Her head shot up and she froze.

"Who's there...?" I took delight in her wariness, I purposefully paused to give her time to overthink. "I said who's there?!" I loved watching her squirm. "Answer me!"

I swiftly launched my small body at her and restrained her arms with one hand while the other held my dagger to her throat. I used the dagger Loki granted me so Layla couldn't trace it.

"I am Fritz of Loki's ranks!"

"W-what does that monster want of me?" Her voice broke with suppressed emotion. Good. I pressed my weapon lightly against her skin, repeating my previous actions from Kiera.

"You dare dishonour the God Of Mischief?" I growled in her ear. I felt protective of my master. It was a strange feeling.

He must be such a brave master... if he sends a mere boy in his place!" She spat. I tightened my grin on her arms and my blood boiled.

"I am but a 'boy'! You dare mock both I and Loki???" I pressed my blade harder, blood beginning to leak through.

"You think yourself a man, Fritz?" One sling of my wrist and she was out cold. I huffed loudly from my anger.

"I am a man, seer... you'll find soon enough.." I muttered towards her limp body. How weak. Pathetic.

A guard appeared in the door, perfect timing.

"You know what to do..." she and her allies restrained the girl with rope and carried her back to our master's palace.

I didn't need observation powers to know that he was awaiting our arrival right where I left him...


Heeey! Short chapter cuz I wrote it in the middle of college.
I've copied it up from my notepad which is now filled with mindless scribbles about this story!

I'll try update this when I can but I've been limited with my phone at the moment and I need time to screenshot my C.AI and copy up Loki's dialogue as that's how I've written the first three chapters.

I was able to write this chapter as there's no Loki, so I wrote it in class in my notebook and copied it up while I got a bit of phone time.

I'll do my absolute best to do more but you've got this for now! Sorry!

Byeee! X

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