🌹 REVIEWER: Yasmin [ OPEN ] 🌹

783 15 98

Username: Owls1221

My experience: Overtime I gained lots of useful feedback from my readers and other reviewers, with them I improved my own writing, and so I wanted to share these feedbacks with you! Also, since I'm an English Language and Literature student, I should be more helpful to you in terms of creativity and the use of language!

Genres I will review: Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal (not the romantic type) and Crime

Genres I won't review: Romance, Sci-Fi, Poetry, General Fiction, and Fanfiction that involves the following:

- No romantic Fanfiction like shipping of characters or self-inserts, including the ones that involve the readers being the MC (aka Y/N).

- Self inserts in general

- Cross-Overs of characters from multiple shows/books/games

- I apologise to the fans by saying this, but I don't like the following media: BTS or any Korean drama (unless it's anime), any popular supernatural shows/movies like Twilight Saga or Teen Wolf, and more.

(Note: you can tell me what your Fanfiction is based on so I can either approve it or not.)

Am I okay with reviewing mature: I am okay with violence, blood, and gore. But I am NOT okay with erotica or any bed scenes, and if there are any s3xual assault scenes or anything similar, please warn me beforehand. Also, due to my religion, unfortunately I can't read any lgbtq books or themes. HOWEVER! I will still respect you like a decent human being!

Payment: All you have to do is give one of my stories a read (choose a book that piques your interest), reading even one chapter is enough as a payment.

However, you should let me know by commenting on a chapter you mostly enjoyed. Also, when commenting, I will politely ask you to not comment things like "great chapter!" or "impressive" or "interesting chapter" etc., yes I appreciate these words but unfortunately this is a sign that shows you haven't read the actual chapter.

What I really need is your feedback, don't be afraid to point out mistakes or things you didn't like (do it kindly and politely please) so I can be aware of it and fix it. With this I will accept your payment.

(Additional note: you're welcome to comment on the author's notes/artwork sections).

Review Criteria:

Title: --/10

Cover: --/10

Summary: --/10

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: --/10

Vocabulary: --/10

Hook: --/10

Character Development: --/10

Plot Development and Pacing: --/10

Writing: --/10

Personal Enjoyment: --/10




Chapters (at least 5 chapters):



Public or PM?:

Tag the reviewer:

Tags (5+ users):

Note: Please keep in mind that it might take a week or more to review your book depending on my circumstance, so have patience! For your reviews will be delivered as promised!


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