Chapter 1

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Chapter 1Reasons I hate flights

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Chapter 1
Reasons I hate flights


I looked at the phone. Eloise had just sent me a text and I looked at it.
Arden! Hurry home! They just landed here!
That was all it said. But of course I could figure who 'they' where.

I sighed. I was out. In the middle of the ocean and diving.
I love diving.
It's fantastic just to be able to float and swim around. Not have to be able to hear. In the water it doesn't matter if your deaf or not.
And these water signs, some divers use?
Me and my friend Matt - who always dive with me - just use sign language.
Matt is just like me.
Loves water.
Loves swimming.
And loves diving in the water.
So we became friends.

"Hey, we gotta go home." I signed to Matt. He just sighed and nodded. He went to start the boat, and I began take some of my equipment off.

When we came track to the beach, I jumped off, waved at Matt, and ran home. I live close to the beach and Eloise live just next to me. Luckily, they weren't home from the air port, yet, so I took a shower and took clothes on. Shorts and a purple top. Then I ran over to Eloise. While I was washing the salt watcher off, they came home to Eloise house.

And 'they' are One Direction. Liam Payne is Eloise finance and the rest are here to celebrate. Their wedding is in a month. I am very excited.

I opened Eloise door and walked into the living room. As soon as Eloise saw me she sighed. "You took your time!" She said and smiled at me, before hugging me.

I smiled and waved at Liam. We have met before. But the other boys were like strangers to me. Liam put a arm round my shoulders. "Boy, this is Arden. Eloise best friend." I smiled shyly and waved at them.

"Hey. I'm Louis." Louis gave me my hand.

"Niall. God to meet you!" The blonde said. I smiled.


"I'm Harry. Nice to meet you." Harry said. He had curly and a captivating look.

"Arden. Nice to meet you all!" I signed. The looked confused.

"Uh... is she doing some peace signs or..." Louis said, and I laughed.

"No no no, I'm deaf. That's why." I smiled. All the boys looked at me.

"But then, how can you talk?" Harry asked.

"I became deaf at 12, so I can still talk. And then I lip read when people talk." I told them. They nodded.

"That's cool. But... why don't you talk all the time then?"

"As told, I became deaf at 12, and since that's so long time ago, I feel safer using sign language." I signed and Eloise translated.

"That's so cool! A secret communication, only you two knows!" Niall said.

"Hey, I know a little too!" Liam protested, but we just laughed at it.

I looked at the clock and furrowed my brows. It was 12.5 pm.

"Hey, shouldn't you guys have been here at 11 pm?" I asked. Eloise translated at usual.

"Yes, but the flight got delayed by an hour," Zayn said looking tired. Actually they all looked tired. They must be very jet lagged.

"One of the many reasons why I hate flights."

Eloise laughed. "Arden hates flights. So much." I gave her an elbow in the side.

"Not that much!"

She just shrugged. "You guys must be tired. Go get some rest." She then said. The boys nodded thankfully.

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