Chapter 7

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Chapter 7Breakfast

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Chapter 7

(WARNING: Mention of s*x. You can skip this chapter and read the next chapter, don't worry, it will still make sense.)

I walked down in the restaurant. It was early in the morning. Or, it wasn't that early, actually it was 8 am.
I walked down there alone, because the girls still weren't op. And I was hungry, so I just walked down there alone. I noticed the boys sitting at our usual table. Or, everyone except Liam. And when I woke up this morning Eloise weren't there either.

I shrugged and walked over to them.
It's been weeks since that meeting with Harry, and nothing has happened. Not just between us, but in general. We've just hanging out and spend lots of time at the beach. I've learnt the boys more signs. They've actually learnt so fast, and are doing great. So now I'm able to keep a conversation with them in sign.
"Morning." I signed, when I came to the table, and sat down next to them. They smiled to me.

"Good morning." Zayn signed and I smiled at him. Then I took a cup of coffee. I like black and iced coffee. I especially like black coffee in the morning.

"Any plans for today?" Niall asked when I sat down again. I shrugged and looked out of the window.

It was quite beautifully in the 'earlier' morning hours, and I love to wake up early to take a run around. And dive. I love just getting down in the salt water. It's very fresh and wake you up. And the feeling of just floating around down in the deep, is just the best! When I was younger I wanted to be a mermaid so I begged my mom to let me dye my hair red, because of The Little Mermaid, movie.
But she didn't let me do it, so I could only spend time in the water and imagine that I had a tail. A beautiful emerald one, that would sparkle in the sun.

A wave gets me out of my trance. Not a beach wave (of course), no it's Louis who's waving to get my concentration. "Hello? Arden, are you there?" He signs and I blush.

"Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts." I answered and sip to my coffee.

He laughs, and the other boys join him. I stare at them while they do it. I laugh, of course I do it, but I don't know what it sounds like. Hmm. I wonder...

"So, aren't there any exciting things to do here?" Harry asks and I squint my eyes and thinks.

"Hmm. No. It's quite boring out here." I answer and laugh lightly. "Wait... actually today some of Eloises family is gonna visit us today." Some of Eloise family lives in Florida. We've visited them before, but it's five years ago.
My whole family (except me and my mom) lives in New York, and they're first coming in a week.
Or, my grandparents are coming. The rest of my family aren't as close with Eloise, so they aren't coming. But it's fine, and my grandparents and Eloise's grandparents are really good friends.
Me and Eloise's families are gonna stay here for the wedding.

"Family?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. Besides her little brother and parents, Eloises whole family lives in Florida. My family lives in New York, and my grandparents are visiting us in about a week. I can't wait to see them," I sigh happily. I really can't, it's been about a half year since I last saw them, so I really miss them.
And I know Eloise also misses her family.


Later the girls finally joins us for breakfast. Everyone besides Liam and Eloise. "Ok." Louis put away his silverware and looks at us seriously. "Who's gonna go up and wake up Eloise and Liam. If they're even awake." He makes a grimace.

I look around. Everybody suddenly seems like they wanna be anywhere, but here. I'm kinda a pleaser, so I'm just about to say that I can just do it, when Niall signs: "I don't think it would be a great idea to send Arden. She can't hear, if they're still doing it..." I gratefully looked at him and mouthed thank you to him.

Millie looks up annoyed. "That's not a reason." She says and I roll my eyes. She looks directly at me. "If she refuses, so can I." Suddenly everyone looks tired.

"Why can't you do it?" Harry asks her while signing. He looks at her harshly.

She looks over to him but doesn't say anything. For some time, no one says anything. Then Zayn thinks we should vote. I shrug. "Ain't that kinda cruel?" Trina asks hesitantly.

"We can do it anonymously." I suggest. "We all write the name of the person we vote on, on a note and put all the notes in a bowl."

"Good idea."

And that's what we do. I think for a minute. I actually don't know who to write on the note. I mean, it's not because I want any of them to do it. (Okay, we are really making this sound harder than I seem.)

Finally I just write a name.

"Okay, put all the notes in here." Louis says and hold up an empty bowl. We all do as he says, and he stirs the bowl, and then picks up all the notes and unfold them. After he has placed them all on the table and counted how many votes each of us got, he looks up. "The person that has to go upstairs and wake Liam and Eloise up, are..." he holds a dramatic pause. "Millie!" I internally sighed in relieve.

Millie groaned in annoy and stared at me like I did something. Someone I can't see, yell something at her, and she stands up and hesitantly walks up the stairs.

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