Chapter 1

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Somewhere in what seemed to be a forest, Matthew had finally awakened. He looked at the massive trees, even some of the grass was bigger than him.

Matthew:Well, that weird voice wasn't kidding about me being very small… But where exactly did I end up?

Matthew decided to wander around, exploring the area for a bit, until he came across what looked like paw-prints on the dirt.

Matthew: What's this?

Matthew looked around, but saw that no one was around.

Matthew: There's definitely something nearby, but where?

Suddenly, a tree branch snapping could be heard close by. Matthew quickly reacted by hiding behind a tree, trying to see what was coming his way. Just then, a German Shepherd came out from the bushes.

???: I'm really gonna need a bath after this… Now then, this is definitely where the strange comet landed.  Once I find it, the pups won't think I went crazy….

The pup then noticed a small crater on the ground as he started sniffing where it had impacted.

???:Hmm, I'm picking up a scent, I'm guessing this was no ordinary comet.

Matthew stayed hidden, worried about his own safety and how he needed to get out of this forest. Matthew could hear the footsteps of the pup coming closer and closer to him, feeling frozen with fear, Matthew felt like he couldn't even move. Matthew then felt something jump into him.


Matthew slowly looked up, seeing that the German Shepherd was looking down right at him. The pup’s jaw had dropped in complete shock. Matthew, not sure of what to do, tried to run away.

???:Hold on there, little guy.

Matthew found another tree to hide behind and saw that the pup was looking for him.

???:Hey, don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just come on out, okay?

Matthew didn't listen and stayed hidden. The pup continued look around, started to get even more worried.

???:That little guy isn't safe out here on his own. I better call the others.

Then the puptag around the pup's neck lit up. 

???: Ryder!

Ryder:(Over Puppad) What is it, Chase?

Chase: You're not gonna believe what I just came across…

Matthew slowly stuck his head, wondering who the pup was talking to. 

Matthew:(That thing he's wearing, just what is it? And who is he talking to?)

Ryder:You think he's close by?

Chase:Could be, but he's scared Ryder, I'll keep looking around until you and the others get here.

Ryder: We're on our way Chase, no job is too big, no pup is too small.

The call then disconnected, Chase began to sniff around the area once again, finding the tiny human’s scent.

Chase:(I should approach a bit more calmly and hope that he doesn't run off.)

Matthew, realizing that running was pointless, sat down and covered his head, as the pup came closer.

???:Hey there…

Matthew refused to look up, feeling very afraid. Chase sat down next to the tiny human, trying to find a way to make him comfortable.

A Paw Patrol Story 1 (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now