Chapter 2

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It was now morning, Chase let out a small yawn as he woke up. Chase looked down and saw that Matthew was still asleep.

Chase:Aww, he looks so cute.

???:So adorable!

Chase looked up and saw that all the pups were looking at him, his face slightly turning red, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chase:Are you serious?

Skye:Yes, I even took some pictures of you two.

Rocky:Man, he must really trust you for him to sleep with you.

Chase:Heh, well, I figured he could use a buddy to help him go to sleep.

Marshall:So, what are we going to do today with him?

Chase:Well, my plan for today is to help Matthew get comfortable around here, by helping him get to know us a little better. By the way, where's Ryder?

Rocky: He's sleeping at the moment as well. Anyways, I guess we wait for Matthew to wake up?

Chase:I got this.

Chase then gently nudges Matthew, making the little human wake up.


Chase:Good morning, buddy. We have a busy day today for both us and you.

Matthew:What do you mean?

Chase:Each of us is gonna explain some things we enjoy, it will help you get to know us better. Since you will be staying with us it's best that you get comfortable around us.

Matthew: Okay.

Matthew decided to start off with Skye. Skye sat down and began to talk about herself.

Skye:Well, I enjoy flying, being hugged and petted, and I enjoy doing flips.


Skye then did a simple backflip.


Skye:I also like small and cute animals, and you look so adorable being this small.

Matthew:Um, thanks.

Next up was Marshall.

Marshall:Well, I enjoy flying kites, hanging with the pups, treats, and trying to be first in the elevator.

Matthew: Being first in the elevator?

Marshall: Let's just say that I am a little... Clumsy.

Matthew: Meaning...?

Marshall:I tend to cause wipeouts, I'm usually the last one in the elevator.

Matthew:I see...

Then Rocky was the next one up.

Rocky:Well, I enjoy recycling stuff, hehe, having my belly rub...

Hearing that made Matthew chuckle a little as Rocky kept talking.

Rocky:I also love the smell of liver sausage...Ah, what a wonderful smell that is...

Matthew:You good?

Rocky felt a little embarrassed that he had said that out loud as he noticed the others were laughing as well.

Rocky: Perhaps I said too much for now.

Now it was Zuma's turn.

Zuma:Well, the thing I enjoy doing is surfing.


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