Final Chapter

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After what seemed like a long drive, the Paw Patrol had finally returned to Adventure Bay, quickly making their way towards Katie's pet parlor, checking to see if Katie was okay.


Ryder opened the door to the storage closet and saw that Katie was strapped to a chair, alongside her cat, Cail.

Matthew:(They tied up the kitten too?)

Kaite:Thank goodness you guys are okay.

Chase:I think we should be the ones telling her that.

Matthew:After what we've been through, I say we just let them be.

Kaite noticed Matthew with the Paw Patrol.

Kaite:Who's the little guy?

Ryder looked at Matthew.

Ryder:Wanna introduce yourself?

Matthew:The name's Matthew.

Kaite:Nice to meet you, my name is Katie, and this here is my cat, Cail.

Cail slowly approached Matthew, sniffing him. Chase became slightly nervous, worried that Cail might think Matthew is a mouse and not a human. Cail let out a little meow, then gently nuzzled Matthew.

Matthew:Aww, she's cute.

Chase let out a sigh of relief, then noticed that the others were looking at him with a smirk on their faces.

Skye:Heh, it's kind of cute how protective you are of him.

Rocky:Well, someone needs to look out for the little guy, I think Chase is the perfect choice for that.

Marshall:I agree.

Chase chuckled as looked at his fellow pups. As they continued chatting, Matthew felt that something was off, he wasn't quite sure why he felt this way. Chase noticed the change in Matthew's mood and immediately became worried but didn't wanna cause a scene, so he just stayed quiet.

Ryder:Come on pups, let's head home.

Once they arrived at the Lookout, Chase decided to bring Matthew into his puphouse to have a private conversation with him.

Chase:Hey bud, is everything alright?

Matthew:Are you sure it's a good idea to keep me here? All I am doing is putting you guys in more danger.

Chase:It's what we signed up for. Matthew, I promise to keep you safe. I won't allow anyone or anything to harm you. Do you understand?

Matthew:They aren't gonna stop coming for me. You know that, don't you?

Chase:(Sighs) I know this is gonna take a lot of getting used to, even I'm scared... I don't want anything bad happening to you. Which is why I want you to promise me this, you will always stick by my side, do not leave the Lookout without someone keeping an eye on you. Got it?

Matthew:I promise.

Chase softly smiled and nuzzled Matthew, making the little human giggle a little.

Matthew:That tickles... Hehe!

Chase:You're so adorable.

Matthew thought about something as he watched Chase drifting off to sleep. Once the German Shepherd had fallen asleep, Matthew carefully walked away and decided to just sit down, looking up at the starry sky.

"That weapon you carry is no ordinary weapon."

Matthew instantly got up and looked around, but saw that no one was with him.


"Settle down, no one is going to harm you..."

Matthew:Sheesh, don't scare me like that!

"Heh, you can't expect a spirit like myself to not spook someone. Anyways, glad that everything went well and that, well, you're alive."

Matthew:Is that supposed to be a joke?

"Only if you think about it that way. Now then, I got an important task for you, then from now on, you'll be on your own."


"Don't worry, I'll make things easier for you..."

Suddenly, a small wormhole appeared in front of Matthew, making the little human rather frightened at the site of it.

"It's alright, I'll guide you. You got that Sheikah Slate on you?"

Matthew took out the Sheikah Slate and nodded his head.

"Good, now then, forward!"

Matthew walked through the wormhole, seeing that he was now in the place he was before when he first arrived in Adventure Bay.

Matthew:I remember this place...

"There's something I wanna show you..."

Just then a small orb of light appeared in front of Matthew.

"Follow me..."

Matthew followed the spirit around the forest, eventually ending up at what seemed to be a strange tower.

Matthew:Please don't tell me I have to climb that?

The spirit chuckled a little and created another wormhole. "Of course not." it said as the spirit went through the wormhole.

Matthew:This better not take all night!

Matthew walked through the wormhole, seeing that he was now on the top of the tower. Matthew saw that the spirit was floating around a small pedestal.

"Place the Sheikah Slate here..."

Matthew carefully pulled out the Sheikah Slate, placing it on the pedestal.

"One thing..."


"You might wanna hold on to something..."

Before Matthew could even mutter a word, he felt the ground beneath him shake rather violently, knocking off his feet, as he could feel the tower rising upwards. "What is going on?" He thought to himself, shaking with fear. Once he felt the tower stop moving, he stood up and looked down, seeing how high up he was.

Matthew:Oh dear...

"Calm down and come collect the Sheikah Slate."

Matthew grabbed the Sheikah Slate, but saw that there was now a map of Adventure Bay appearing on the screen.

Matthew:What's this?

"Something to help guide you as you live here, there are many more towers like this, you don't need to find them if you're smart and don't get lost, but if I were you, finding those towers will definitely benefit you in the long run."

Matthew:Thanks... But now, can I return to the Lookout before anyone notices that I am gone?

"Of course." The spirit said as it created another wormhole, sending Matthew back to the Lookout. "May I ask you something?"

Matthew:Of course.

"How much do you care for these pups?"

Matthew thought about it for a sec, then a smile formed on his face. "I trust them with my life." He said, placing his right hand on his chest. "Just being around them, for some reason, just warms my heart, I feel safe, secure, and most of all, I feel like I am home with them."

"Heh, I thought so. Afraid we won't get to chat for quite some time, shame, talking to you... Makes me think things could have ended differently..."

 Matthew:What do you mean?

The spirit chuckled as it slowly began to fade away.

"In time you'll learn. I know you'll be okay... Keep your head straight and your heart strong, and I promise, we'll meet again someday in the future, perhaps, if you earn the right, I'll reveal to you how I really am."

Matthew:Until we meet again...

"Indeed... My friend..."

Then the spirit faded away.

 Matthew saw that each pup was still sleeping.

 Matthew:This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but I guess that's just how things are around here.

 The little human looked up at the sky.

 Matthew:"No job is too big, no pup is too small." Heh, guess I'm gonna have to apply that to myself now... I'll find the answers I'm looking for and find a way to remember the past... I swear on my life I will!

(Ending Theme: A Wish To The Sky, by BigRicePiano)

That is the end of this rewritten story. Who could this mysterious spirit be? How will Matthew adjust to living with the Paw Patrol? Thank you so much for reading this book, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. You may have also noticed a new change to my writing as well in this chapter, this will allow me to be a little more descriptive when describing character emotions as well as just making the story better overall. I do plan to rewrite other books, but for now... I'm tired and so glad that this book is done. I could add in an epilogue, but probably won't bother as you guys probably know what takes place afterwards already. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!   

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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