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I dedicate this book to the Almighty Yah, for the gift of teaching, His wisdom has nurtured a collection of inspiring words fit to guide every Christian from the beginning of the year to the end.


A big thank you to all my friends for reading my posts, commenting and sharing with others. I love you all.



                                     WORDS OF HOPE


Father, as the year has begun, please guide us, reveal our purpose to us and align our steps to follow it.


A journey begins with a step and believe me, you've taken one. Yesterday was the last day of the year and today is the beginning of another year. On the 31st night we normally have a countdown when the time is almost twelve midnight. Have you ever wondered why we usually stay awake till the next day? Don't other months have 31st? Isn't two years just a day apart from each other? Why is 31st of December so unique? It's a big deal to survive the journey of one year and enter another because many people lose their lives along the way. So, it's a new year, a time to build upon your resolutions and make the most of the life God has given you. I hope you have a better year; if nothing is worth your life this year, please let go of it. HAPPY NEW YEAR



A mango tree differs from other trees. It has narrow leaves and a long structure; it also has lots of branches. If the mango tree were to grow broader leaves, then it wouldn't be itself. Whatever makes you is what makes you different from everybody else. As much as the narrow leaves serve their purpose for mango trees, everything on you fulfils its purpose. Whenever you try to change anything about you because you think someone is better, you cease to be you. I appreciate your uniqueness.



As much as a pregnant woman prepares towards her labor, God certainly had a lot in mind when He was creating you. She knows she will give birth, so she buys all she must and makes room for the new baby. God knew you needed to survive so he put things in place for your well-being. God prepared before handing you over to your parents; what other prove do you need of His love?



If you ever ended up in the wilderness and you found water after been thirsty for days; you would drink like your life depended on it. Imagine if the stored-up water you collected finished and you had no strength to walk back to the water; you might think that is the end of your life, right? God is not found at a specific place so you can talk to him anytime. If God was like water, then when you are too far from him; there would be no hope. So, the good news is, he's never far; there's still hope if you have life; just call him.



There will always be an opportunity to correct your mistakes. We all make mistakes, then guilt causes us to regret them but instead of moving on; some people brood over them, so they miss their chance to correct them. You would make mistakes but if you don't learn from them and correct yourself, you would always repeat them. Don't bow to your mistakes, learn from them and move on.

Can anyone make it to heaven? Yes! How is that possible? Our righteousness is not enough to carry us there that is why God sacrificed His son to avail grace. Who can enjoy grace? Everyone! Isn't it obvious that we are all enjoying grace? Air, water and land make up the world! Where do unbelievers' dwell? This same earth? Who created it all? God! Who has control over it all? God! If the grace of God was limited to only Christians, God would have wiped the rest of the surface of the world. So, you see, you don't have an excuse to worship any other god but the Almighty Yahweh. If in our sins, He showed great love and care; imagine how you would be treated when you turn your life to Him. Now more than ever you can get to know God, He is the most talked about topic in the world. It is easy to get to know God, call unto Him and He shall answer you and direct your path. Don't just rely on what people have said about Him, get to know Him by reading His world, praying and building a relationship with Him.



Why would some trees survive during the dry season as others die?  Some trees sacrifice their leaves because they want to retain the little water, they have in them while other tree roots grow deeper into the soil; in search of water. They all want to survive. We all want to make it in life, but we aren't the same. Don't be influenced by others, trust yourself and things will work out. Don't follow the crowd, they aren't always right.

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