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A quiet time in Arkham, one night every month the inmates are given permission to go on a nightly walk and sit down for one hour. Some were asleep, giving the Asylum a shocking sense of peace.

In the sitting room, Poison Ivy sat reading a magazine with the TV on in the back, there was only her and one other inmate in there at that moment. Harley walked into the sitting room, "midnight snack?" Ivy tiredly muttered. "Yeah, tasted like ass" said Harley. They had become quite close friends. "I don't know why you bother, just a pointless piece of dogshit going down your throat" said Ivy "I dunnoooo, was just hungry" said Harley, playfully. Ivy smirks. "Whatcha reading?" Harley says whilst sitting down. "I don't even know at this point just some shit" "do you alwayssss have to sound miserable?" Harley asked, moaning. "What the hell else am I supposed to feel, we're in a worse place than prison. No release date, no parole. Just sitting and waiting to see if the guards will piss on you or let you go by. Just waiting until you endure that much pain, you're deemed 'good' enough  to be let back out into the world. There's nothing for us here just waiting to suffer or die" Ivy said, with pain and acceptance.

Before Harley could mutter a sound, two men raced through the sitting room, one throwing a chair, hitting the tv and breaking it. "Woahhhhh" Harley said in shock and a little glee. Harley and Ivy looked at one another, they stood and walked toward the door. The sound of running, distant shouting, things being broken and thrown, quickly getting louder and louder. They heard a bang, then another, an inmate smashed a window with a fire extinguisher which he then threw, hitting another inmate knocking them unconscious. Security cameras were hit and broken, knocked off of the walls. Guards were chased and tackled, beaten, their blood splattered the floors and walls. It was chaos.

Victor Zsasz and Jonathan Crane were at the  intensive treatment lobby as well as many other inmates. They smashed their way through the security office, punching the windows as the guards prepared to sustain them. They broke in and we're out for blood. The guards were impotent, nothing they had could save them. They put up a fight but we're beaten, broken. Their bones cracked and they bled. Nearly killed. Zsasz edged Crane to do something that would create the ultimate entropy. Push a button that would unlock the cell of every inmate in Arkham Asylum. One of the guards, still conscious, pulled out his gun upon hearing the words "Warning in Intensive Treatment Lobby, shoot to kill permissions granted", said the intercom, and pulled the trigger. The gunpowder worker is magic and fired the bullet at an inmate, he was shot dead in the neck as the other inmates turned and lunged at the guard. Another was shot down but this wasn't enough, the other inmates attacked as Zsasz and Crane watched. He was beaten to death, limbs broken, teeth smashed out, skull caved in with his own gun and their feet. This was bad. Knowing their time was limited and wanting to cause the ultimate destruction. Crane slammed his hand on the button and in that split moment. The cell doors unlocked.....and opened.

Every inmate in Arkham was free to roam and destroy. Two face turned and smiled. Pyg looked left and right as inmates ran past his cell. He walked out, ready to have fun. "Clayface" had already walked free and seen broken shards of glass on the floor, he picks up the largest he can find and smiles. Harley and Ivy looked at one another... and smiled, they both ran through the door, to join the chaos.

Harley giddy like a teenage girl. Ivy began to feel happy. They heard running and they hid around a corner, once the inmates ran past they kept on running. Harley bumped into an inmate who shoved her. Feeling a sense of confidence now she has no affiliation with The Joker. "Watch where your fucking going bitch!",  Harley decided to show him who she is, that she is still a fierce woman free of the clown. She ducked and kicked him straight in the knee, breaking the inmates leg, he fell and screamed in agony as Harley jumped and back kicked him in the face, breaking his nose and busting his lips. Ivy looked in shock but was also impressed. "Come on let's go!" Harley shouted. They continued running down the halls of Arkham.

As the inmates and the guards battled through the corridors, Harley and Ivy made their move as they seen an opportunity, due to the guards being focused on the more dangerous inmates.

Many inmates had already left, running wild on the island, however the Arkham gates were closed, so they were still on grounds. Harley and Ivy left the building, as they looked for their exit, however guards and inmates were all around, "hmmm...that'll do", Harley said shrugging her shoulders as she eyed up a transport van, as she headed towards it, whilst Ivy felt the nature around her, as she used her abilities to manipulate the plants into being her weapon, she used against the guards, pushing them back, and using vines to wrap around them.

Harley had broken into the van, as Ivy got in the passenger seat.  Harley recklessly drove the van, crashing through the Arkham gates, leaving the Asylum grounds, and heading into the Arkham forest on their way to the bridge to the Gotham mainland.

"I fucking hate this place", Ivy said miserable, "blah blah, you hate everything!" Harley responded as the city of Gotham was ahead of them. "Come on we're free now, no shitty guards, no nothin'. Just us. "So let's start some shit" Harley said, with a huge grin on her face.

Moments later, Harley and Ivy parked up outside a clothes store, as they entered, Harley shouted, "alright everyone, on the fuckin' ground!", pulling out a pistol, "where the hell were you storing that?!", Ivy responded in shock and confusion, "you don't wanna know..", Harley told her as she aimed her gun around.

Harley hummed to herself, as she threw clothing everywhere, Harley picked out a white T-shirt, a pair of short red denim shorts, and a pair of black boots, "these'll do", she said as she casually taken her Arkham uniform off, tossing them on the floor, putting on the new clothes she picked out. "Non of this ya style red?", Harley asked Ivy, as Ivy miserable tossed clothes on the floor.  Ivy had taken a bobble to tie her hair backwards, then taken a black crop top, and a pair of oversized denim green pants and a pair of black boots. "What ya'll staring at, huh?", Harley joked turning to the people on the ground as Harley held her gun at them, she then smiled and approached the till. "Ya gonna empty it?", she asked as they quickly emptied the till, as Harley climbed over, taking all of the cash. "C'mon, we've got what we need", Harley told Ivy as they returned to the truck, "why don't we hit a jewellery store next?" Harley suggested as they drove off, leaving the scene. "Fine" Ivy said with a little annoyance "but let's make it quick, we need to find somewhere".

Harley noticed a jewellery store coming up "ooooo!" Said Harley, giddily swerving the van outside of the front doors. 

They walked over and Harley pushed the doors open, "Hi guys!" Said Harley with the biggest grin. She then walked over to the till and aimed her gun at the guy behind as Ivy took a look around, "alright pal, in the bag!" Harley threatened as the guy placed his hands up. The employee said in fear "b-but you don't have a bag?" Harley looked down and back up "oh yeah, can you get me one please?", she asked and then responded, "thanksss" the employee quickly grabbed a bag and gave it to Harley. "Very sweet of you" Harley smashed the glass cabinet open and began taking rings, chains, necklaces the whole lot. She began putting them in the bag. "You don't need that money do you?" The guard just trembled. "Did I stutter bitch?" Said Harley. "Let me rephrase, money in the bag. Go!" Harley ordered as the guy behind the till started to put the money in the bag, "we done yet?" Ivy asked as she was cautious of the cops arriving. "Two minutes, okayy?" Harley said like a child. "Jeez stop rushing meee", Ivy just sighed in frustration. Harley raced around the store, collecting all kinds of jewellery, even taking earrings out of a woman's hand "oooo that's cute, you don't mind do ya?", said Harley "thank youu" Harley said as she jogged away. Harley jogged over to Ivy "okay, I'm done, we can go now" said Harley "Fucking finally" Ivy said. "Oh come on, stop being a grump, we're having fun, it's freedom, feel it, smell it" Harley inhaled and exhaled. "Ahhhh, now come on you gotta admit...that's nice?" asked Harley. "Yeah, you're right I guess" Ivy said "that's sorta the spirit" said Harley "now let's ride" Harley said. They both ran to the van and jumped inside. Harley grinning as she sped off.

As they drove further around Gotham "okay, so where exactly are we gonna stay?" Harley questioned, "I may know a place" Ivy suggested and Harley stepped on the accelerator .

Moments had passed, as they arrived at an old abandoned bar, named 'The Sirens', "what the fuck's this shit?!" Harley said, as Ivy responded, "used to go here years back, good times, well really the only good times, good place plus there's a room we can crash in upstairs" "looks like a kiddy fiddlers dungeon but, gotta stay somewhere so it'll do" said Harley. Ivy rolled her eyes as they unfastened their seat belts and stepped out of the van.


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