Luca x sonny (fluff)

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Plot: Luca came home after a long day and Luca being Luca, wants cuddles from his boyfriend, sonny, but sonny was busy with his stream, so Luca turned off the stream and cuddled with sonny. Sonny just excepted it.

◇3rd POV◇
Luca slammed the door shut as he walked into the quiet house, he walked to Sonny's room quickly and softly banged on the door. "Yeah. Who is it?" Sonny called and Luca slowly opened the door to see his boyfriend.

"Hi love... can I have cuddles?" Luca said softly as he walked inside the room. "Not now love." Sonny replied and continued to address the stream. Luca groaned loudly and walked over to Sonny's desk, he then turned the stream off and hugged sonny. Sonny sighed softly and got up and hugged Luca.

They made their way to the bed and began to cuddle on the bed.

There we go. A short and sweet one to start off with. Hope you enjoyed.

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