Chapter 1 Lost

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(F/N)'s POV:
"I need clues. There's no way he just left. The police don't have any idea what they are talking about." I began looking through a cabinet to find any clues on where (M/N) could have gone. "Nothing again." I moving around his dark room with the dark green walls and his untouched bed. I found nothing anywhere. "What am I doing." I fell on his bed, squeezing his pillow tightly as if he was there. "He's been missing for a week." I pause trying to hold back my tears, trying to stay strong just like he would want me to. "And then cops already checked the house for clues, and there were none. Well, except for the message he got the day he went missing. But that wasn't suspicious." I paused and smiled, having an idea where he might be.

I ran to her computer that had been on when he vanished. I opened it up to find a password. "Oh, what is it now. What would (M/N) set his password as?" I stopped to think before I typed in my name and my birthday to the end. I pressed enter eagerly and watched as it loaded to the last open screen. "I'm in!" I said of excitement before looking at what was sent through the screen. It was a conversation between him and some unknown person. I sat in his chair carefully and read the few messages that were sent between them.

(M/N)'s POV:

A week before the insident. "I heard you were looking for a job. Is that true?" The message on the screen said.
"How did he -" Before I could finnish questing, another message was sent.
"I know and see everything. I know your name is (M/N), and you have a little sister's name (F/N). So how about you come over sometime for an interview here."
I wanted to respond, but at the same time, a part of me felt it was unsafe. I hover my hand over the keys when the phone goes off. I got up and walked over to the other side of the room where my phone had been charging. The call read "Sis," so I grabbed it and picked it up.
"Hey, sis! What's up? I thought you had pet sitting to do today?" I asked and then paused, waiting for a response.
"We have you, sister." A robotic voice spoke out through the phone. "And we want her for ten million gold coins." It was hard to tell if the voice was living or not, but it had to be true. They had (F/N)'s phone after all. But even if I wanted to, I don't even have money. I glanced back over at the screen.
"Fine, give me time, and I will come up with the money." I said, nervous for what might happen.
"One week, that's it." The phone then beeped loudly in my ear. I set my phone down and ran over to the computer, typing the message I was going to send to save (F/N).
"Fine, I will work for you. I just need money to save my sister." I sent the message from the other side. After I saw that it had been delivered, a bright glow shone from the computer, darkening the room with this bright light. The computer was succing me like a black hole. "I'm doing this for my sister!" I screamed to myself one last time before falling into the screen.
I slowly opened my eyes to see the I was falling from the sky. I look to the ground to see golden dust beneath me and what looked to be a sandstone village to a few miles to my right and a tiny village make of some wood beneath me. It was surrounding a small lake. I realize I'm approaching the ground, so I close my eyes once more, expecting my fate. And as I expected, I blacked out.
I opened my eyes slowly because of the pain I was feeling on my head. "Oh good, you're awake." A fierce woman's voice spoke out. "That's good. I wanted to ask how a Hylian fell from the sky." I see a faint hand point up to a light blue clear sky. "Do you remember anything? Your name, how you got here, anything at all?" She asked me.
"I-I have a little sister, and my name is -" I paused, trying to remember. "My name (M/N), but I don't remember anything else about my life at the moment. I don't even know what a-a Hyline is."
"It's pronounced Hylian, and you are one. You certainly can't be anything else." She laughed a little to help chear him up. "But don't worry dear, I'll take care of you until you remember." I smiled, still not being able to see her face when I closed my eyes and fell asleep once more.

(F/N)'s POV:
"He agreed? But why?" I said to myself before clicking on the speech bar to type. "This man has to know something about where he is. I just know it." I started typing away until I created the perfect sentence.
"Where is my brother? I demand you to tell me!" I said, letting my anger get to me.
"You want to know? Unfortunately I can't tell you. But I can show you. Do you want to lead you the way?" The unknown messenger replied almost immediately. Well, if he shows me he can't hurt me. He will probably send me a map or something.
But just to be sure of it, "Send me a map of his location." I replied, and soon after there was a map of an unknown land, I read it closely. Up in the left corner, there was a town called Rito village or something. Before I got to look over the rest of the map, I saw a red dot that read (M/N)'s location.
"There!" I said, looking closer at the village. "G-garuto? Village? I've never heard of this place or the Rito village or anything." I thought to myself for a while before messaging then man back.
"Bring me to this place, please." Not fully trusting. I grabbed my favorite knife and heald it close before pressing send. I watched as it got delivered and a bright blinding light shined over the room.
When I could see things again, I was falling from a clouded sky on the topic of a flying beast and a tall and super skinny mountain. I quickly put the knife in a case and shoved it into my hoodie pocket. I didn't realize I was going to die until I looked down one more time. I tenced up emidietly and screamed for my life, closing my eyes as tight as I could.
I hit a soft, warm body, but yet I was still in the sky. "You Hylians will never learn, will you. You can't fly. And you never will be able to." A sparky voice spoke from below me. But I couldn't see a thing. My vision was blury.
"You Hylians will never learn, will you. You can't fly. And you never will be able to." AWhat's a Hylian?" I asked.
The sparky voice replied. "You're stupid. You don't even know your own race." I could feel myself falling slower than before. Like I was landing in an airplane.
"I don't know. I don't remember anything, but my older brother is going missing and my name." I thought for a moment in the silence.
"So miss. I know my name. What's your name?" The voice sounded annoyed at me.
"I'm (F/N)."
Just then, I hit the floor softly. "You obviously have amnisa, so I will leave you on this bed to rest." The voice turned into footsteps and got quieter and quieter as it left my side. Soon after, I passed out falling fast asleep.

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